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  • May 13, 2015
  • Joined Jun 13, 2011
  • Damn, they mustve banned my IP, cause I can access it through hidemyass.org.
    Anyone have an idea how I can contact them? Contact from forum wont work since i need to log in which i cant.
    • Chad, and anyone else, you said that you are on sevenstring.org a while back if I'm not mistaken. Can you access the site? I can't access it no matter what I do. Their Facebook page is pretty unresponsive, not getting any help there.
      • I believe you can get a passive route if you ask them nicely ?
        It's not about the lack of equipment. If you have a pot and boiling water and a vice or clamps you can curve the wood.

        • Chad Adam Browne wrote:Not really...If you get in touch with Ola and spec out a .Strandberg* similarly to a Hufschmid in terms of wood etc they come out the same price, the prices on the .Strandberg* website are mainly just base prices. I'd rather have a .Strandberg* though, they're just better in so many elements of ergonomics, and you can get Ola to use stupidly figured woods if you ask him.
          Well, that was when I last had a look. But yes, I agree with you that .strandberg guitars are funky ant therefore awesome.?

          Regarding the custom guitars, production guitars are awesome in a lot of ways, and I don't mean that that I make would be "better" than an Ibanez, I just think its nice to have a completely unique guitar. And personally I think that custom guitars are among the worst regarding value for money.
          Chad Adam Browne wrote:Hufschmid doesn't seem to bend his tops on the forearm contour, so often in the part where your forearm rests you'll see the body wood sticking out in the corner on his top contoured models. I just think it ruins the entire appearance to do that rather than bend your top wood.
          Aaah, now I get it. Well thats just weird that he doesn't do it. What's the use of a beautiful top if you carve a chunk of it away?

          Finally got the hang of that quote function hehe ?
          • Hahahaha Chad, believe me, I'm very well aware of his ridiculous price tags. He's much more expensive than even Ola Strandberg.
            And with custom I mean like hardcore custom. Making the whole guitar yourself. I just meant that I'm done with commercial factory guitars.
            What do you mean with drop contour tops? And where would the body be sticking out?
            The woods he uses are simply gorgeous though ?
            • Yeah thats a real good price. I don't know If you guys are familiar with Hufschmid guitars, but they are seriously the most beautiful guitars I've seen ever. I've been completely converted to custom guitars.

              • @ Chad: Exactly. Ola Strandberg said I can use his guitar design so its going to be an EGS ERG^^ (Once i get wood ?)
                • Awesome. Was hoping for jumbo fretwire since want a pretty fast neck hehehe.
                  • Yup Grant works at TOMS. Best was the only time i felt comfortable with someone else fiddling with my guitar hahaha.
                    • Dude that guitar is hawt. Makes me jealous ?
                      • Does anyone know where you can buy guitar frets? Not pre-cut ones since they are too small for what i want to use them for, and preferably in South Africa. I want to avoid importing atm hehe.
                        • Ok so the RGA8's pickups isn't quite what I would call awesome and I've been on the hunt for some new pickups. I know that there's the EMG 808 and 808X, the Seymour Duncan Blackout 8's, and the Dimarzio D-Activator 8's and Bareknuckles and Lungdrens M8...(but lets leave the latter 2 out of the equation ?)
                          Whats the pros and con's of each because i cant hear any difference on youtube lol.
                          • I was wondering if cold glue would be ok to laminate guitar necks and bodies?
                            Im thinking of Alcolin waterproof glue or their cold glue...
                            • I dont "want" to see Tosin Abasi and Paul Masvidal live, I HAVE to see bith if them live.
                              • Good point :-[
                                I'll do that and abaout paint, how many layers and of what should i apply?
                                And the NGD will come shortly ?
                                • My RGA8 is the 2010 model (the ones with the bridge problem fixed) and as you say doesn't have cutouts.
                                  But I'm thinking of modding it a little by using the RG2228's joint as a guidline to make way for better access. (The cafo sweep is really not fun to play at all if your hand constantly hits the body >☹)
                                  So i'm thinking of cutting away a chuck from the horn...
                                  Only thing is I'm worried that it will comprimise the strength of the guitar and neck joint (and if the neck will start flexing)
                                  from this:

                                  To this :

                                  I should probably post this in the mods thread though....
                                  • Awesome! I got my Ibanez RGA8 on monday and its absolutely gorgeous! (Was doubtfull at first on whether the pickups suck, but after you get it, you really realise it lol.)
                                    My only pain is the 24th frett access but np :-[
                                    • The problem is the majority of people are quite stupid, and can't appreciate good and music by someone who is technically proficient, thats why people listen to, what is in my opinion shit, Kurt derren and such.

                                      • Seriously. Instrumental, technical yet musical. Oh, and 8 strings ?