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  • Congrats, well done and mazel tov to Jacquesg4j

Congratulations!!! ?arty: :applause: :woohoo:
    Congrats :goodtimes: ?arty:
      Another one bites the dust! ?

        Hey great stuff!

        Congrats and may Yahweh bless the two of you and your future union!
          Awwww thanx guys! I am very very excited!

          Highway Chile asked me how I did it on the Challenge topic... Well...

          Asked the parents on Friday evening (her granny actually, she raised her) also bought the ring on Friday... (No more guitar-fund, but it's been used for a good cause imo)... And then took her out for a fancy dinner on Saturday evening...

          But it's been coming a looong time. One of the guys at work got engaged in March, and when I told her about the R10k weekend and hot-air-balloon ride that it took him to get the girl to say yes, MY girlfriend told me that she would prefer something small and unexpected... Like do it NOW!!

          So after dinner on Saturday, after we dressed snazzy, after she must have expected it, we went home and I put her to bed [SLEEP BED] (and I found out this was her favorite place she can be after a questionnaire game last week)... Then you know, normal conversation followed like what we would do on Sunday and how our day was and how nice the food was... And then UNEXPECTEDLY I grabbed the ring from under my pillow, got on one knee and popped the question... She was in her favorite place and it was UNEXPECTED like she wanted... Then she said YES!!

          So I think a photo of me and the lady is in order... I got a good one

            Well, as a resident Jew here, I wish you Mazel Tov and all the very best for the future! Have a few L’Chaim’s for us! ?
              Congratulations Jacques, all the very best man .......... :goodtimes:

                Nice one Jacques ?

                I'm waiting for my girlfriend's ring to be finished by the guy making it and then I too have to come up with some kind of idea as to how I'm going to do this. ?
                  Warren wrote: Nice one Jacques ?

                  I'm waiting for my girlfriend's ring to be finished by the guy making it and then I too have to come up with some kind of idea as to how I'm going to do this. ?
                  Good luck Warren! It's really not that hard! What was hard was having an empty bank account for one night...

                  I wanted to do something more breathtaking, but I couldn't wait any more!
                    Congrats! :goodtimes: :goodtimes: :goodtimes: :goodtimes:

                    I found out that the way you propose is not to win her over but rather to give her something to tell her friends about because they will all ask her how you popped the question (and girls like telling a cute story!)

                    So there is not so much pressure to do something extravagant like some guys believe. Timing is more important (like is your relationship ready etc...)

                    Best of luck to ya!
                      Jacquesg4j wrote: Good luck Warren! It's really not that hard! What was hard was having an empty bank account for one night...

                      I wanted to do something more breathtaking, but I couldn't wait any more!
                      Well this is the thing. I don't mean to hijack your happy thread ofc, but it IS an interesting question for a guy.

                      Having spent a fair amount on the design of the ring (which she had input into so she knows it's being made, she won't know when it's ready though) it's now going to delay things if I have to save another R10,000 for a getaway to make things memorable.

                      I was thinking of the hot-air balloon idea, I think it would be great but it seems very commonplace these days and isn't something we've exactly been dying to do together.

                      When the time is right I might do a suggestion thread, and will have a keen eye on the ladies' input!
                        I think you must have some idea of what your lady wants... Our relationship is very open, so we started talking these things a looong time ago. Since she has no parents we have to pay the wedding all by ourselves, and we all know what weddings cost these days. So she said that something expensive just to pop the Q is a waste of money and we could rather put that money into the wedding day! And I agreed!

                        But something I wanted to do, was record a song and have it played over Highvelt 94.7, I have a contact there, but it apparently takes at least a month to get authorized! I could not wait that long as we want to get married before the end of the year... And next year (before FEB) immigrate to Aussie... So time is of the most importance! We have 6 months to organize Visas and all, she has to get a new passport... So we will get married (on paper) very soon to get the applications going, and then have the real wedding in November hopefully!
                          ja - weddings and marriages are very expensive things to do...

                          i think we should all continue this conversation over in the Classifieds section.... there's 1 or 2 things I want from Jacques
                            StephenG wrote: ja - weddings and marriages are very expensive things to do...

                            i think we should all continue this conversation over in the Classifieds section.... there's 1 or 2 things I want from Jacques
                            Hahaha no honestly... I am considering selling everything. Not for the money but I am not taking anything to Aus... Not sure when, but keep eyes open... Maybe I should start selling amps and pedals and buy a Line 6 XT or something to keep me going till end of the year!
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