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  • Guitar
  • Cape Town Forum Members Jam Session

Renesongs wrote: Then you will really hear me play the howling stray dog blues with a sense of realism.
Now, there's some authentic Pink Floyd ? +1 Rene ?

    5 days later
    Unfortunately the get together is going to have to be moved to another day or another location...The eye is now closed on Sundays and Mondays..


    Iam open to suggestions guys....
      Flakes and myself are going to go and see them tonite...

      Watch this space!
        Lawrence, just got an idea, what if we plan a instrumental guitar show,just something basic with acoustic guitars, if we have our meeting, maby we can put 2 guitar players in a group and every group plays a few songs, surely alot of people would want to come and watch the show.

        just an idea........
          @Manfred Klose:

          You have a good point there!

            OK cool 8)

            we can discuss it at our first meeting, its at least something to get things going in cape town.
              Manfred your in my team ?. Evil/power metal. Job for a cowboy meets Stratovarious.
                So..after meeting with the owner of the Kunskaffee in Durbaville last nite..We have been givin stage and sound for a meeting on a Monday nites....

                When will be a good time for you guys..

                This might be the only other option we have unless someone else comes to the table...

                Iam all for it! 8)
                  Maby from about 19:00 would be a easy time ( traffic, family....... ?)
                    Flakes you wanna set a date and time with the owner and get back to us?
                      Well like we heard Mondays are open at Kunskafee. But ja it would be good to have a set date.
                      Let me know when most of you guys are open "for Mondays" We dont wanna rock up there and then there are only 3 guys if you know what i mean.

                      So what would be the best time and Monday for u guys?
                        acoustic or electric?