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Hi Guys

I know there must be old topics about this but I really don't have the time to search now.

In short; I'm looking to buy a wah and would appreciate some pointers.

Which wah do you you have and why?


    I have the dunlop cry baby. It is very cool and affordable. Got it from Music Connection for R1100.
      There are lots of amazing wahs out there but the crybaby by Dunlop seems to be the industry "standard" if you will. It's available in quite a few different options which can get confusing, but then again also adds to the personalisation of your sound.

      I would say a good idea would be to go here http://www.guitarforum.co.za/youtube-guitar-videos/the-crybaby-wah-the-pedal-that-rocks-the-world-(documentary)/ watch the documentary and get a bit of backdrop on what people searched for in their wah etc.

      Then if possible the 3 I'd recommend looking out for are the 535Q which is just a nice adjustable throaty wah, the Zakk Wylde crybaby wah which is less adjustable but I believe it might be cheaper and it's also one of the most transparent ones I've ever tried, and the Dimebag Darrel wah which has a whole EQ section you can tamper with along with a Q control and volume boost and adjustable feel on the foot pedal so it can be as loose or tight as you want ?

      I'd urge you to try and find any of those 3 new or second hand, but that's just my opinion. There's also the wah range from Morley that are killer but sound and operate in a different way, I believe they are also spring loaded which prevents you from being able to leave it in that half cocked position to sweeten out the mids...
        howdy. i've (very) recently acquired a vox wah - the v845. i looked at a few options, including a cry baby and one or two others with lots of twiddly knobs. to be frank, as a first-time wah user, i figured i'd just get used to using a wah in the first place, and then later down the line, perhaps upgrade to something that will allow me to shape its sound a little more. so the pedal i have has an on/off switch, an instrument cable in and an amp out jack - power in, too, of course.

        i think there is a lot to be debated about the sound of one over the other, and the cry baby does seem to be the 'industry standard' as someone's already mentioned, but just make sure you don't get talked into getting something that even vaguely looks like it would shy away from being thrown against a wall. this is one fx pedal you're really going to be stomping on. that said, don't delay too long, once you've bought one, you'll be having a bunch of fun. they're great and add a whole new dynamic to your sound.

        in terms of sound, the vox might be a little soft for some, especially coupled with the creaminess of my li'l vox amp, but hey. it works for me.

          So so far it looks like you guys are mostly confirming my own feelings regarding the Dunlop Wahs. Looking at the range I would lean towards the 535Q, Slash or Dimebag due to their flexible settings. But which one to choose?

          As I am sitting in Namibia Of course I have no access to check them out in person....

          Any more input?
            11 days later
            I would suggest that if you could (I know you are in Namibia) go out and try as many as possible. Try them for yourself as tastes do differ! When I bought mine I went out with lo limit on what I would spend and listened to all of the different ones they had at the store and then decided on one. I also went with the VOX as it seemed to have a very wide wah parameter. It also happened to be the cheapest one! But I love it!! I was prepared to spend R4000 on a wah but walked out of there with a R900 bill... not bad!
              Crybaby are nice, mine just randomly died after about 2 years? so I was on a quest for a new wah and luckily went to the states for work.

              I picked up a Fulltone Clyde Deluxe Wah and to me it completely KILLS and crybaby. I tested about 8 wah's there back to back and this thing just ruled to my ears. I did find the dunlop 535q a very close second tho. The slash wah sounded good to my ears too. I was looking for something "jimmi" like. If my fulltone died I would still like to try out a RMC (these where not available at Guitar Center when I was there)

              One thing I noted is that all the wah's mentioned fall in a very close category, there are just minor differences in sound. So anyone of them and I am sure you will be happy ?
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