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hey dudes my name's Meveshan, I prefer Miv tho. Been strangling a six string for bout 6yrs now. I asked for guitar lessons for my 16th bday and never looked back. i started out on an old nylon strg and bought my Cort a yr after that. I usually practise playing RCHP, Metallica, Lamb of God, Seether and some randoms bits like Santana, Zep', Slipknot, SOAD...
If i were any better i'd play all the stuff that influences me---> Morello, Page, Clapton, May, Mastodon, Alexisonfire, Hendrix, The Doors, Dimebag, John Mayer (hugely underated, i suggest watchin his dvd's).

anything thats heavy, thrashy, funky, jazzy, trippy, old school, psychodelic, revolutionary and likely 2 melt my brain <O_0>


    my bad, 4got 2 list my equipment ???

    lets see:
    Cort G250 - miteymite S/S/H but i ripped out the bucker and soldered in the miteymite MOTHERBUCKER ?
    Ibanez RG321 - base model more metal inclined that i bought 2 mess around with diff tunings n string guages,
    Marshall MG15DFX - havent bothered 2 get somethin bigger coz i been livin in res and a flat last 4yrs so noise pisses off ppl
    Zoom 606 pedal - if anyone knows how 2 stop the input/output PCB solderings from breaking plz lemme know, its driving me 2 tears ☹

    now lemme get back 2 this RATM dvd ?
      Welcome to the forum Miv
        Welcome...Glad youre here...eventually there will be enough of us to take over the world!!!!
          oh oh i want to help...with the world thing...taking it over...or something...yip ?. welcome man!
            hey! welcome! nice gear there! ? I also wanna help take over the world! Mwahahahahahaha...ah...*choke* (one should never attempt an evil laugh whilst eating choc chip cookies [from the dark side] ? )
              LOL! Thanks, I needed that.

              LBG, you're fitting right in here girl!
                dude how did my thread turn into a terrorist blog?? i mean i dont mind or anything, i'm just not sure who would win in a fight btwn a guitar and a police nightstick? the guitar wud hav 2 b solid body of course 4 extra clout.........wierd coz i been listenin 2 RATM all week and feel like stickin it 2 the man
                  Hi there and welcome
                  lightspeedchili wrote: i'm just not sure who would win in a fight btwn a guitar and a police nightstick?
                  My vote is on the guitar, especially if its a nice and pointy one
                    especially a 79 kramer...they are HEAVY!!!
                      hmmm... a Jackson Flying V would do the trick quite nicely... and a guitar could also be used as a shield... 2 in 1! ?
                        i would love to see you use a guitar as a shield! ?
                          hehe, what u do is u get an old broken guitar, take off the neck, create an strap to attach the body (your new shield) to your arm, and u can use the neck {and headstock} as a weapon... ? although the body {shield} would be frikkin heavy... especially if you were to use a vintage guitar that is crafted from solid wood.
                            I can picture that! It won't be heavy for a Bass Goddess tho ?
                              haha my axe is so light i think my muscles have stated shrinking. C you can be the shield maiden...i will be the hobbit and hide in the forest ?