Actually I got the last set! A used set of black Generators, but like brand new! I had to twist his arm because he wanted to keep them as spares, but eventually got them for 400 bucks! ?
- I see there is one set left this morning. Still a good price for a great set of pickups. It will probably be a GF member who'll pick them up!
If you do, let us know! - ?
- In ToneriderI see there are actually still a few left at
R200.00 per pickup is for nothing! - Just checked the Tonerider website this morning!
For those who still intend getting some, you better go and check before its too late!
And no, I'm not getting any kickbacks! ? - Hi all, just a bit of feedback.
I replaced the magnet of a Generator neck with a ceramic one and mounted this into the bridge position of an Ibanez Artcore. Got this from Andre at Tonerider. Actually he did the magnet change for me. Then I became VERY adventurous with my Weller soldering set! ? I removed the black tape from another generator neck, working with a pair of tweezers, unsoldered the connections while doing the drawings of the colour coding connections, and then I rolled off roughly 500 turns off each bobbin before soldering everything back together as per my drawings. Measured the total dc resistance on the Kilo Ohm scale of my Fluke and got 0 Ohm!Luckily I still had the tape off at the time of measuring and started checking the connections. I found the red had broken off just where I soldered it to the coil wiring. Fixed this and did the testing again and measured 6.9 Kilo Ohm. Voila! Fixed all the tape and stuff and mounted it into the neck position of the Artcore.
End result - Works perfectly! The bridge pickup sounds like a souped up PAF and the neck is clean and mellow tone that's really clear and sweet.
So there you go, I've become a "pickup-tweaker" in a day! ?
- This question is directed at the pickup experts here:
Since the Tonerider Rocksong bridge pickup has an Alnico 2 magnet, what can I expect sound-wise from it if I were to replace the magnet with an Alnico 5 or a ceramic magnet, considering it has a 12K DC resistance, and therefore a medium output pickup right?
Will there be any noticeable difference in tone and power?
- Following some pickup soldering and testing last night I have come to this conclusion. Don't put a Generator neck into the bridge position of an Epi Les Paul! ?
It's just too treble for the bridge position! There is almost no pickup that will sound balanced with it.
I have a Generator Neck with a chrome cover in a HSS Strat that sounds amazing, but I just cannot make it sound good in my Epi Les Paul. The closest to an acceptable balance was when I had two of them in the same guitar at different heights, with the neck turned in quite far.
Anyway, just thought I'd tell you, what with me waffling on further up! ? - Following the nice magnet info above I bought another 2 sets of Tonerider Rocksongs, one zebra and one black bobbin set. I must say zebra style looks pretty cool on a white scratchplate. Both sets are installed into Frankenstein strats. However I replaced the Alnico IV magnets in the one set with ceramic magnets and I'm quite surprised with the difference in tone.
The modded set is in a guitar with an alder body and rosewood on maple fretboard and sounds very clear and a lot more chimey than the DiMarzios that were in there (they're NOT for sale now! ?) I like them a lot better than the DiMarzios.
The un-modded Rocksong set were installed into a Frankenstein with a maple board and a ash body combo - Lovely as they come, warm and chimey too. Bridge humbucker is awesome in this guitar. Nice output, blends well with the SD Vintage Stack in the middle, same with the neck humbucker (took it down a bit for a better balance) - Awesome combo!
Get them while you still can folks. I have seen whats left on the shelf! ? - Hi MikeM, without quoting all the above, thanks a lot! Makes "slightly" more sense! ?
I've ordered 2 Tonerider sets, the Rocksong and a set I made up from a Generator Neck and an Alnico 4 bridge. This will go into the Epi LP.
I have another set of Rocksongs in a 335 style Ibanez that sounds amazing and very Robben Ford when combined with a bit of Boss overdrive that it's not true!
R500.00 for 2 sets of pickups is not going to break my bank!
Sorry, busy yesterday, but yes, into a Epi LPMikeM wrote: Going into a LP?
Great Info here!
Attila Barath, that diagram is a really nice general guide - saved it! ?
Mike, your info is slightly confusing to me as I have no idea what "long oriented" or "short oriented" means! ??? Explain some more please! I'd love to know more, however if it's not really stuff that we can get easily in SA its probably way over my head! :?- I'm even thinking Generator Neck in bridge AND neck positions - could be a nice setup with the alnico 5 magnets? ???
- Thanks guys - Excellent info!
Toneriders are all the same spacing, just like Gibson humbuckers are, so string spacing isn't an issue here. However some manufacturers like DiMarzio and Seymour Duncan, amongst others, make the F-spaced humbuckers for Strat style HHS configurations, so yes, I'm aware of this.
I'm also looking at guys like Joe Bonamassa, who plays predominanly old Les Pauls, and I know for a fact that vintage Les Pauls had the same humbuckers in the bridge and neck, long before the calibrated sets were designed, even by them, like their T500's and T450's I think. Correct me here.
So we all know that these old guitars sound killer with pickups the way they were, so I reckon it stands to reason that one should be able to match any two of Tonerider's lower output pickups and get a similar sound, ie like a generator neck in the bridge and an alnico 4 in the neck, or a rocksong neck in the bridge AND the neck.
What's your thoughts? - Agree with born2burn!
Rocksongs not loose and mushy IMHO . . however its personal taste!
My question this morning is:
Is there anyone here other than born2burn who has installed humbuckers meant for the neck position into the bridge position? I mean, its just a pickup right? And the main difference is the dc resistance and magnet right? Reason I'm asking is I've had a look at the Tonerider specs on the SA website and since the Alnico 4 set (for instance) has a 8.6K bridge and 7.9K neck, its so close that one should be able to swop out the bridge pup with a generator neck (with stronger alnico 5 magnet) right?
Just need some more info cause I'm leaning this way too and I wanna get some before they're all gone! - In ToneriderI Check Tonerider every now and then and saw this an hour ago, just in case you're interested -
Me thinks it's time to get some at these prices before there's nothing left! ? - Got a set of Rocksongs (lame name I know) on Tuesday, installed them and I gotta tell you, these are awesome sounding pups! They've got the alnico 2 magnets in them and the bridge is just nicely balanced with the neck. Fantastic purchase at R800.00/set. Went to pick them up myself and I gotta say Andre is a cool oke with a LOT of knowledge.
Don't know how long these pups are going to be available still so my advice is get in there and get some. I have a sneaky suspicion that they're going to become a lot more expensive later on this year. ? - - Just in case you haven't noticed!
What do you think?
Maybe there's bargains to be had here? ?
Has anyone contacted them?
- Thanks Bro KP!
I would have missed this!
Time to go down to the autobank - my pups are ready and waiting! There's no telling how long this will last! ?
can't imagine! rebel 90's are single coil! ?MikeM wrote: I doubt this includes the Rebel 90s- hmmmmm, didn't know about this one!
+1 fireaxe
ps: what is "really" humbuckers fireaxe? ?