Chocklit_Thunda wrote: Damn.... I'd want those 2 in gold! Think he'd be willing to send em up to joburg cheap?
You might have to send him some boerworse or bacon
Chocklit_Thunda wrote: Damn.... I'd want those 2 in gold! Think he'd be willing to send em up to joburg cheap?
Guido go check out smithy anvil, I'm pretty sure they've got some custom songs for Xbox tooguidothepimmp wrote: My Mrs got me this for Christmas
What a hoot... song selection is cool too.. looking to download the maiden pack to learn and jam to. Like a garage band in a box
On the xbox there is no latency to speak of
Try buying a 4 pack of Grolch beer, get the dumpies as they have that relocking lid, take the red washers off and use those as strap locks, had them on my strat for a year now and my straps have never come off since.dojedagonzalez wrote: 2) That the guitar Strap snaps out, dropping my guitar to the floor (several times)