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  • Jan 11, 2015
  • Joined Nov 28, 2012
  • Chocklit_Thunda wrote: Damn.... I'd want those 2 in gold! Think he'd be willing to send em up to joburg cheap?

    You might have to send him some boerworse or bacon
    • I change when I see the high strings start to discolour. I live in Durban so uncoated strings tend to rust pretty quick, I tried a set of Elixir's nanowebs just after New Years and still have them on, no rust yet and I play everyday for at least an hour if not more. The only question I have regarding Elixirs is that they don't come sealed, and if I bought 2 sets, 1 spare, would the spare last long enough or would it rust in the box?
      • Hi all,

        Ok so my current setup goes from my strat using the Rocksmith Real Tone Cable into my PC from there I split it to 1 small 3w portable bluetooth speaker (as a center speaker) and through a mini hi-fi into its speakers which are 60w. What I've done is balanced the volume between the speakers by ear and made sure there is no eq running on the hi-fi. I play through Amplitube or TH2 depending what I'm after.

        Now my questions are 1. is there anything wrong with practicing like this? And 2. I'm looking at getting either a small practice amp or trying to find some cheap monitors, which would be better for me? I understand that monitors are designed for recording and not to sound good, but could I use them to replace my current speakers?

        I'm trying to build up a nice versatile system for home practice, as I really don't have much cash to throw at this stuff, and im planning on getting a bass guitar soon so would like to be able to play through the same setup. I hope this is making sense to people.
        • Guys go check out cs.rin.ru they have a way of working the game without the realtone cable, there is a no cable fix you will have to DL i believe and do some changes to the config file but its all explained there
          • In Hi
            Howsit Wessel, I R Baboon Sniffs finger, nice gear dude
            • I only have 2 guitars myself, they're both blue... and I mostly play blues and rock
              • Welcome, hope you find what you're looking for ?
                • Yeah I was also about to suggest the rocksmith realtone cable. Its really good, got a built in sound card and a nice little breakaway near the USB end. You should be able to find one for about R350 or less. I got my one at B.T games in Durban but there should be one in Cape Town
                  • In NGD!
                    Hi everyone!

                    Well let me say it's nothing special or even that good, just a 38inch Sanchez steel string acoustic. I had an acoustic when I was like 12 but I didn't take to playing back then, so now I was at cash crusaders and was GASing for an acoustic, as i only had a strat and wanted something i could take around without caring if it broke or got damaged.

                    Anyway more to the point here she is! In all her blue flame maple glory!

                    • hey all, so I was helping a friend move out this past week and during the clean up I found an Eric Clapton banner, you know the kind with wooden dowels to hang it from, like in a shopping mall. Its from his Me and Mr.Johnson album, seems to be promoting a tour as it says "tour coming this summer" at the bottom. It also says in small print that it was made in the U.S.A in 2004. Now I'm no expert or anything but I don't think Clapton has done a tour around here for a while. I can't seem to find much about this, there isn't even a pic of it on google. If anyone has any idea on whether this could be valuable or how rare it is etc I'd be mighty grateful, even if its not worth a cent I'm pretty stoked! ?

                      I'm putting the link to the pic as it is not showing right in my preview of the post.
                      • Ok, so I've been playing for just over a year now. Got myself a 2nd hand Squier Bullet for R900 and for the better part of the 1st 6 months, while learning to play, I spent a lot of time tweaking my action, intonation, relief and basically getting to know all the things you should know about your guitar.
                        Now I was never really happy with the tone I was getting out of it, everything sounded just way too bright and tinny and that started me on my quest for a more favorable tone. Over the past 6 months or so I did everything I could think of without spending more on pickups and the like than I spent on my guitar. I then saw a post about a 7 sound strat, and that it needed very little modification, so I decided to give it a go. Went out to the harware store and got myself a SPST toggle switch, some wires and a new pack of strings from the local shop.
                        Doing the mod was easy, and I mean EASY! All it is is adding in the switch to the pickguard and 2 wires to the 5 way switch. Now at 1st I had the switch turn on the neck pickup but after a day I realized that I could get better tone control using the bridge, as the switch bypasses your tone pot. After going back under the pickguard and changing the necessary wires around I was over the moon! The sound coming from neck and bridge was awesome and changeable with the tone pot. When using all 3 pickups at the same time I think it kinda kills the tone a little, maybe something to do with the middle pickup cancelling too much harmonics or something?

                        PS. I also tried Elixir nanoweb strings for the 1st time today, living in Durban takes its toll on strings, so lets see how much longer these last.
                        • guidothepimmp wrote: My Mrs got me this for Christmas

                          What a hoot... song selection is cool too.. looking to download the maiden pack to learn and jam to. Like a garage band in a box

                          On the xbox there is no latency to speak of
                          Guido go check out smithy anvil, I'm pretty sure they've got some custom songs for Xbox too
                          • To tell the truth I started playing guitar because of this game, got my Squier Bullet about a year ago. The game is in my opinion a very useful learning tool, and a good deal of fun. Don't expect it to teach you to become a master or anything like that, you must remember that it is a game. However having said that I think its the one tool thats kept me playing and learning, its really good for motivation and practice. The session mode is quite cool, and can help the learning of scales and improvisation, Im not quite good enough yet to get the full deal out of it yet. If you already play guitar and know whats going on its still really fun and useful, I've heard of people who played for years before getting Rocksmith and still learnt alot from it, but like I said in the beginning its a learning tool and a game, use it for practice and fun and not as your exclusive teacher and you will love it. There are little games that work different parts of your technique, Starchords obviously works your chords and scale racer your scales. With any version there is a little bit of lag and latency between guitar and speakers and video, but its worse if you use an HDMI to carry sound, route the sound to a sound system not your tv to avoid the sound latency. Also for the PC version go to smithyanvil.com, register and post in the welcome page and you will have access to hundreds of custom songs made by players. Also visit cs.rin.ru. So all in all I would say that even were you Steve Vai or Satriani himself I would recommend the game just for some fun.
                            • Yeah and the more guitars you have the more beer you need :goodtimes:
                              • dojedagonzalez wrote: 2) That the guitar Strap snaps out, dropping my guitar to the floor (several times ☹)
                                Try buying a 4 pack of Grolch beer, get the dumpies as they have that relocking lid, take the red washers off and use those as strap locks, had them on my strat for a year now and my straps have never come off since.

                                My number 1 gripe is with my pinkie finger, that little s#it has a mind of its own!
                                • when it comes to learning something easy for a complete newbie the easiest things are single note songs. Im still learning myself so I can tell you that the 2 easiest things I know hopw to play are Smoke on the water and the godfather theme by slash, if they manage smoke on the water with just the bass string then try get them to do it in power chords. But like everyone else is saying I really doubt she is actually interested in learning
                                  • Has anyone bought anything from them before? I see a nice Squire Bullet on there that I want but not too sure how reliable the site is.
                                    • HI everyone, I'm new to the forum and playing guitars. I live in durban and am trying to get set up with evereything I need to start playing.