I got it yesterday and I have to say I'm impressed with it.
The main problem is that it is very different to tabs. But I have started to get used to it and it does work. The session mode also does work even if the built in guitar tones aren't that great(but they are usable) and you can actually jam with a virtual jam with your own settings.
On the pc there is no lag and it easy(and more fun than tabs) to learn new songs even for the more experienced guitar player.
When I played Rocksmith on the PS3 earlier this year there was no lag but the Scale Runner game wasn't registering the notes properly so I got sick of it because that was the whole reason I wanted to play it. Scales are pretty boring to learn.
It would be cool if you could buy tracks that you specifically want to play along with, like for R5 each.
G-Man wrote:
When I played Rocksmith on the PS3 earlier this year there was no lag but the Scale Runner game wasn't registering the notes properly so I got sick of it because that was the whole reason I wanted to play it. Scales are pretty boring to learn.
It would be cool if you could buy tracks that you specifically want to play along with, like for R5 each.
I haven't tried the scale runner but if it's like that even with the latest update I'm going to be disappointed.
On steam you can buy songs for $2 each I think. There are also song packs for a specific artist. Also, it is possible to get custom songs quite easily on pc.
My misses got me Rocksmith 2014 for x max - and i am absolutely loving it! its great no matter what level you are at.
its very intuitive and kind of picks up areas where you battle and recommends video lessons and exercises.
The session mode is amazing I'm learning new styles and scales all the time. The cable jobbie that it comes with works great as an a/d converter for using your guitar with recording software and simulation stuff like amplitude or guitar rig as well.
i have the mac version and it runs flawlessly - its also great for experimenting with new tunings.
Was b*%$# to install but well worth it.highly recommended.
i've got the PC version and have found it to be loads of fun, haven't tried out the arcade minigames much but learning from the game a even though i can play ?
Cool game/ great tool, pity the dlc is rather pricey, but overall brilliant.
I fixed the latency problem on console. Send your audio to a proper audio system, it's perfect now.
The dlc's are great, I especially like you can all the songs from the first rocksmith as well. I lent my friends first rocksmith game and played it, loaded p the new rocksmith and all the songs are there now too ?
I just got this and tried it out for the first time today. It's taking some getting used to reading the 'upside down' fretboard. It's a lot of fun, and a great tool, however, the guitar tones (particularly the distorted ones) are pretty horrendous.
It sounds like there is no cab emulation (i.e. like a bunch of angry bees trapped in a tin can).
doc-phil wrote:
I just got this and tried it out for the first time today. It's taking some getting used to reading the 'upside down' fretboard. It's a lot of fun, and a great tool, however, the guitar tones (particularly the distorted ones) are pretty horrendous.
It sounds like there is no cab emulation (i.e. like a bunch of angry bees trapped in a tin can).
There is an option to switch the fretboard around to the "correct" way.
I quite like the game, but it doesn't work with my M-Audio interface, so I can only play with headphones at this point. >☹
Mine works with my presonus audiobox, but there is a bit of latency. I have been fiddling with the config file to try and remedy it but haven't managed to sort it out yet.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Guys go check out they have a way of working the game without the realtone cable, there is a no cable fix you will have to DL i believe and do some changes to the config file but its all explained there
I really wanna get this, maybe this month.
But I don't have a console and I DON'T want a PC version of the game. (I hate gaming on PCs)
So: Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3 or PS4?
The only other games I'd play would be Mortal Kombat X and possibly driving games.
And, if it helps, I'm a Linux/Android guy. Dunno if that would affect Xbox VS Playstation.
Thanks for the tips! I have no idea what's good out there.
Norio wrote:
I really wanna get this, maybe this month.
But I don't have a console and I DON'T want a PC version of the game. (I hate gaming on PCs)
So: Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3 or PS4?
The only other games I'd play would be Mortal Kombat X and possibly driving games.
And, if it helps, I'm a Linux/Android guy. Dunno if that would affect Xbox VS Playstation.
Thanks for the tips! I have no idea what's good out there.
Mmmmm, not sure this helps as I'm not a gamer, but I somehow ended up with Rocksmith on both my PC and the PS3. Always use the PS3 for some reason even though it's not necessarily the most convenient.
MS vs Sony - on your own ?
Norio wrote:
I really wanna get this, maybe this month.
But I don't have a console and I DON'T want a PC version of the game. (I hate gaming on PCs)
So: Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3 or PS4?
The only other games I'd play would be Mortal Kombat X and possibly driving games.
And, if it helps, I'm a Linux/Android guy. Dunno if that would affect Xbox VS Playstation.
Thanks for the tips! I have no idea what's good out there.
If you want to go last gen, get the 360. Otherwise I would say get a PS4. I must just say I have it on my laptop which I then connect to my tv, which is very nice to travel with as well.
Have they updated their amp sims at all?
I couldn't handle the terrible sounds the game producers... for a relatively big budget game, you would have thought they could get some decent developers in to produce a half decent sounding amp sim. I shelved the game because my ears started bleeding.
doc-phil wrote:
Have they updated their amp sims at all?
I couldn't handle the terrible sounds the game producers... for a relatively big budget game, you would have thought they could get some decent developers in to produce a half decent sounding amp sim. I shelved the game because my ears started bleeding.
That reminds me, another reason I got it is because you can use the cable for guitar rig easily and quickly.
BTW guys on steam there is another tool (wouldn't call it a game) you could get and with the editor you can do your own songs.
I have used it to practice with scales, finger exercises it works with any audio interface. It doesn't have amp modeling and all that jazz.
Thanks for that. Will check it out.
Quick update: I picked up a second hand a Macbook Pro last week and it's great. Really loving it compared to my past machines.
It's pretty high-end (i7, 16Gb RAM, SSD) so I'm just gonna get Rocksmith for Mac and use it like that.
Thanks to the guy that suggested that. Don't remember who exactly ?
If anyone knows someone selling a Realtone cable and/or a used copy of Rocksmith 2014 for Mac, please let me know.
This mustwill go on my birthday list. Who stocks the game with cable in Pretoria?