I change strings when they really suck,
and, when I can afford it ? (true)
Alan Ratcliffe wrote:
Even uncoated strings tend to last for many years if untouched in the packet.
Quite disturbing on this note . . .
Most string manufacturers are sealing their string packets nowadays, (with most packs advertising that their strings, when purchased, are as "fresh" as the day they were made), but even so, I, and a number of associates, have bought many Ernie's 10 - 46 (regular slinky) in the last 6 months (from
different stores here on the lower KZN S Coast*), which had rust-divots scattered over the plain-steel strings. You can't wipe them off, as the rust's eaten into the surface (you can feel it with your fingernail).
As I haven't heard a murmur of this on the forum, I'm just concerned that our dealers around here*, (due to them being "smaller fish" compared to the city shops with a bigger turnover) are getting knobbled by the suppliers, . . . and are being given "old/defective" stock.
I dunno . . . .
Just never got rusty strings before . . . . ??? ??? ??? ???
Just to note, . . . our local dealers do not hesitate to replace the bad sets, . . . and are most concerned