Ola peeps
Got my hands on Guitar Pro 5 and have no idea how to use it. Please assist.
Got my hands on Guitar Pro 5 and have no idea how to use it. Please assist.
infernox wrote: Im on ultimateguitar.com and getting tabs but how do I insert them onto the program... I tried the "search the web" thing but all my songs were removed due to copyright...
After that Im stuck as can be. Must I import note for note?
There are normal guitar tabs and guitarpro guitar tabs..infernox wrote: Im on ultimateguitar.com and getting tabs but how do I insert them onto the program... I tried the "search the web" thing but all my songs were removed due to copyright...
After that Im stuck as can be. Must I import note for note?
One thing to remember is that tabs are pretty much always fan-made transcriptions of the music. Especially any free ones you find on the net.infernox wrote:
Now on to the stupid question: how does this work as the tabs i have in text form are different to the ones in GP form
Check your Audio Settings off the Options menu. You need a defined midi device in Ports, even if it is say Microsoft Wavetable Syth if you're using standard Midi playback. If you're using the RSE check your Audio Output settings.infernox wrote: Warren, the blood to bleed tab I downloaded does not play sound when I press play thats why I was asking. Is this normal?
Thanx for the link Johnny