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I'm looking for dark intense classical pieces like O Fortuna by Carl Orff and Ride of The Valkyrie by Richard Wagner. The type of music soldiers would've listened to on their iPods before going to war prior the popularization of The Roof is On Fire.

Anyone have some suggestions?
    Struass? cant remember which one dough, i know the've got like sounds of canons and stuff, there is a warning on the CD that your home stereo will get damaged if you put it to loud. listened to stuff when i was 5 years, i just liked heavy music......
      The first that comes to mind is Tchaikovsky's 1812 overture.
        4 days later
        Thanks guys. I found Rued Langgaard to be quite intense. Very dark sounding.
          5 days later
          Not overly intense, but VERY dark: Bach - Cello Suites Vol. 1 and most Organ pieces. I can only listen to Tchaikovsky for a while then it start iritating me! ???
            WantzChas wrote: I'm looking for dark intense classical pieces
            You sure you are ok? :-\ (said in a concerned tone. people usually listen to music that reflects their mood)
              Also sprach Zarathustra (Richard Strauss)

              Planets - Gustav Holst (especially Mars, the bringer of war
                PS If you can find any music by the following:

                -Two steps from Hell
                -Imediate music
                -X-ray dog

                Google it or find it on Youtube. You might like it, e.g.
                  Look at some Russian composers.
                  They had dark & heavy down quite well.
                    aja wrote: You sure you are ok? :-\ (said in a concerned tone. people usually listen to music that reflects their mood)
                    I'm in a good mood, I'm just exploring classical music.
                    sepheritoh wrote: PS If you can find any music by the following:

                    -Imediate music
                    That my friend is perhaps the second best thing after Metallica I have ever listened to.
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