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  • Intros
  • My Birth into The Guitar World

Welcome Dimitri! 96?!?! Are you serious?
    hehehe no Fritz more like 36 just put it in to see whos really reading lol!!! ?
      Welcome Dude.

      There's so much stuff to help guitarists here, you'll be up and running in no time whether you're 36, 69, 96 or 12 for that matter. ?
        Dimitri wrote: hehehe no Fritz more like 36 just put it in to see whos really reading lol!!! ?
        Thank Heavens! Yours was the only intro I'd not responded to yet, because I was trying to find something to say that wasn't: "You've left it a bit late haven't you Granddad?" or "A 96 Y.O. air guitarist?!" ?

        Welcome anyway...
          hehehe Alan man i am killing myself here thats the funniest !!!!!! lol!
            Alan Ratcliffe wrote: Thank Heavens! Yours was the only intro I'd not responded to yet, because I was trying to find something to say that wasn't: "You've left it a bit late haven't you Granddad?" or "A 96 Y.O. air guitarist?!" ?

            Welcome anyway...
            Just like Alan, I was wondering how to go about this. Would you take strain if we typed in CAPS??!! ?


            Riaan C
              Funny Just today someone told me that age was just a number ?

              Hey Demitri I am sure you are having us on ...you are most proberly only 95.....
                Belated Welcome Demitri - I have been sulking for the last day or so because I thought you had ousted me as the cantankerous old f*rt that still playing guitar I'm only 94. 8)
                  Thanks to all of you who have replied to my Intro, you have really made me feel at home, Alan still got me rolling on the foor man. lol!!!! ?
                    you are safe Renesongs for now i have a uncle who's interested in joining, lets just say he almost boarded the Titanic!!!!
                      Welcome dimitri, i am a bit slow sometimes ....
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