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Looks cool.. However, I think it's kinda going down a different track than I would ever use. Why would I want to have different effects and amp models on guitar pro?

I've always used it to learn new songs and just to jot ideas down so i don't forget them (which I seldom do now, i just record a rough draft in audacity). I highly doubt I will upgrade my GP 5, I hardly use the features on it, not sure what on earth I'd do with GP6. ? I think GP 3 would still suit my needs. ?

Anyone think they'll actually utilize the features of GP 6?
    guitarboy2828 wrote: Looks cool.. However, I think it's kinda going down a different track than I would ever use. Why would I want to have different effects and amp models on guitar pro?
    I was thinking the same thing! I think maybe it would come in useful if you would like to use midi/RSE backing tracks to jam to or something?

    Maybe the only time I will need to upgrade is when the tabbers on ultimate-guitar start using it - GP is the only way I can learn to play songs!
      I bought it with that 20% discount. Its amazing really. The backing track things is a possibility now because the new RSE is very good. Distortion guitar still doesn't sound to hot but clean tones like with things like reverb sound really good. Drums and bass are awesome too.

      I agree with the thing about the needing of different effects though. GP6 is alot easier to edit songs and get things in and such. And the one thing that I think is a milestone: you can open songs in different tabs instead of a new program!!!
        ezietsman wrote: Don't forget about the free alternative, TuxGuitar. So far I've had no problems reading guitarpro files with it. Also works in Windows(TM).

        O cool. Checking that out....
          Byron wrote: GP6 is alot easier to edit songs and get things in and such. And the one thing that I think is a milestone: you can open songs in different tabs instead of a new program!!!
          That is definitely an improvement!
          ezietsman wrote: Don't forget about the free alternative, TuxGuitar. So far I've had no problems reading guitarpro files with it. Also works in Windows(TM).

          I've read reviews about GP6 and they say that Tux Guitar can't read GP6 files unfortunately. I'm sure they'll come out with an update soon though.

          I'm busy downloading the demo right now, so I'll give it a whirl then maybe take the plunge. At +-R360 its not asking much for what is to me a crucial piece of software. Plus it's even less for the upgrade.
            Tux looks interesting, have no seen that, have used powertab (i think its called that) and i wasn't super impressed with it in comparison to GP...

            To be 100% honest, i feel a little ashamed to use GP as my backing track.. haha.. If i can't 1. find a band to play with, 2. create my own backing track, 3. Find a real backing track online, 4. Buy a real backing track, then MAYBE i would resort to using GP, but even then, i'd feel a little ashamed.. ?

            I have learnt a couple of songs off GP, but there are often to many errors and i end up just listening to the CD and learning it off there anyway! ?
              I installed the demo... but I'm thinking, how do you tab drums?? I can't find a way to input drums. When you look at percussion it doesn't show tabs..
                I'm not overly impressed with GP6, in fact I've uninstalled it and have gone back to GP5. I don't think that it's the right application to use as a backing track. A few annoying things for me are .....

                1. Having to re-edit GP files that I've done particularly when using repeats and alternate endings as they don't play the same in GP6.
                2. Have to turn off standard notation on each track.
                3. Cannot easily edit/tab drums as only standard notation is now available on drum tracks, in fact this is the major issue I have with it.
                4. The RSE has been improved but any distortion on guitars still sucks.
                5. Interface is not as simple as GP5 and kinda clumsy.

                Tux Guitar rocks, but still not as good as GP5.....
                  JohnnyReggae wrote: 3. Cannot easily edit/tab drums as only standard notation is now available on drum tracks, in fact this is the major issue I have with it.
                  I'm glad you pointed that out... thanks. I thought tabbing of drums had only been disabled for the demo version. It is for the above reason alone that I will NOT be upgrading. What on earth would possess them to remove that feature? I use GP to tab out all my drums before importing into my DAW.
                    doc-phil wrote:
                    JohnnyReggae wrote: 3. Cannot easily edit/tab drums as only standard notation is now available on drum tracks, in fact this is the major issue I have with it.
                    I'm glad you pointed that out... thanks. I thought tabbing of drums had only been disabled for the demo version. It is for the above reason alone that I will NOT be upgrading. What on earth would possess them to remove that feature? I use GP to tab out all my drums before importing into my DAW.
                    Agree totally. I usually tab drums in GP and then import the midi of that into my DAW. Has worked really well for me so far, and easy enough to do. Any fine-tuning of drums I can then do in the DAW. So the lack of a drum tab in GP6 ruled it out straight away. You can use standard notation to "program" the drum track, but it is not as user friendly and would mean I have to learn how to do that from scratch again, when I can knock out a drum track in minutes with GP5 using tab.
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