My gear setup in my "music room", although my wife wants the room for other things.... I'm holding onto it for now ?
Photos are not the greatest quality, but gives you the idea of my gear.
1965 Hank Marvin Signature Burns and 1965 Bass Guitar (name escapes me, but is similar to the Paul Mcartney Honer Bass) Both were given to me by my Dad who played in bands in his early 20's and was a huge Beatles fan.

Burns Close-Up

Bass Close-Up

Triple Stand with Epiphone Goth Les Paul, Johnson Classical, Cort Acoustic

Epiphone Goth Les Paul

Johnson Classical and Cort Acoustic

Korg Ax-100G Multi-effects, rack-mount Marshall 9000 PreAmp, and Laney practice Amp

Peavey Studio Pro 40

(Edit: Eventually got the images sorted out)
Photos are not the greatest quality, but gives you the idea of my gear.
1965 Hank Marvin Signature Burns and 1965 Bass Guitar (name escapes me, but is similar to the Paul Mcartney Honer Bass) Both were given to me by my Dad who played in bands in his early 20's and was a huge Beatles fan.

Burns Close-Up

Bass Close-Up

Triple Stand with Epiphone Goth Les Paul, Johnson Classical, Cort Acoustic

Epiphone Goth Les Paul

Johnson Classical and Cort Acoustic

Korg Ax-100G Multi-effects, rack-mount Marshall 9000 PreAmp, and Laney practice Amp

Peavey Studio Pro 40

(Edit: Eventually got the images sorted out)