Hey dudes
A friend of mine has a spot on a farm, far enough away from anybody so noise wont be an issue. I am yet to go check out the venue, but it seems promising.
The oke is charging us R50 a pop, so that's peanuts, no issue. There aren't any toilets (I'm not even sure of running water), so those that need to go, well sort that out yourself.
The facility doesn't lock up very well, so all gear will need to be removed afterwards.
I would like it if we can set up a monthly, maybe even bi-weekly blues jam. We could even look at moving Graemestock here (to avoid angry neighbours) if it goes well, thats up to you guys, lets first see how it goes.
So who would be keen for something like this?
We would need a PA system of course, so any sponsors would be lathered in beer.
Your thoughts?
a monthly blues jam , sounds good to me .......
Cool, just to be clear, its R50 for the venue for the day, not R50 per person!
Sounds good, but realistically I probably won't be able to make it every time. Maybe every second time or something like that.
Go Fritz!
Yea dude no worries, just trying to get a gang together. Obviously none of us would be able to attend every single time and thats fine, all I'm looking for at the moment is interested parties ?
If it's during weekends, I occassionally may make it, if I'm not working - currently every second weekend. Sounds nice.
But I'm thinking...is there electricity if there are no toilets or running water? Sufficient liquids can and should be taken along, to prevent dehydration and a delirious death out in the bush after days of wandering in circles, dragging a Strat by the strap... ??? Of course most of us walk past the toilet to do our thing outside anyway, even at home, so toilets are not an issue... ?
But electricity is!
Hahaha, there is electricity yea. And yes, we can take cooler boxes to keep all the "liquids" cool.
I might pop in, but what I know about blues is scary!
I will then just listen and keep myself hydrated :-[
Hey Fritz, This sounds great, I am in for once per month, Go for it and Thanks a plenty in advance / Peter
Great idea Fritz. I'm in for once a month! Just make sure they have real wood and bring your grid tripod and bier-innie-hol hoender standjie ?
Hahaha, lekke man, you know I'll bring the braai gear hehehe
Everytime I say YaY Madame finds something to occupy my Saturday afternoon... ☹
I'd love to join a Saturday afternoon blues jam... :yup:
I'm there like a bear
I can probably make it most afternoons too. ?
I keep promising to come to jams but one that happens on a semi regular basis has the best chance of me actually wandering in and attempting some "guitar" playing! I'm a definite at least once, hopefully more often guy.
Any idea the date for Farmstyle Blues 1.0? 8)