So it's official, I've got a printer who will do a T-Shirt (material: 185 grams) & cap combo for us. Same guys who did the fleece jacket and beanie combo.
#7 (below) won in
this poll we had in Feb this year. So that's what we'll be printing:
As for the cap, it will be black with something like this on it:
Total cost to you, for the shirt, cap and delivery is R145+R51 = R196! Or you can pick up in Centurion, total cost is R145 then ?
It's screen-printing on the shirt and embroidering (I think) for the caps.
Need 25 minimum before we can place an order. Who's in?
Updated: Current Order
Norio - 1 combo (XL)
Squonk - 1 combo (XXL)
Alan - 1 combo (L)
Sean - 1 combo (L)
CDee - 2 combos (XL, XL)
Bob - 2 combos (L, XL)
Donovan - 1 combo
PeteM - 1 combo (L)
Riaan - 1 combo
TomCat - 3 combos (L, L, XL)
Jack Flash - 1 combo (XL)
Ray - 3 combos (XL, L, L)
Matt - 1 combo (XL)
Aubs - 1 combo (XL)
Riaan - 2 combos (XXL, L)
Kevin C - 2 combos (XL)
IceCreamMan - 1 combo (XXL)
RobK - 1 combo (XL)
Manfred - 1 combo (M)
Renesongs - 2 combos (XXL, L)
TheGrem - 1 combo (L)
Fritz - I understand ?