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Hi Everyone

My name is DJ, I'm from Namibia and I'm a... (it's hard to admit this :-[)... guitarist.... lol

I live in Otjiwarongo, Namibia. I play a Hohner Rockwood LX250G Les Paul copy for electric, an Ovation Celebrity for acoustic/electric and I also own a Yamaha CG65 classical guitar. My playing style of choice is rock up to hard rock. I have been playing for about 11 years now, but I get way too little practice time and so I am not anywhere near the standard I want to be. However, the main reason for not having time is because I spend my time on my wife and two beautiful little girls... so i ain't complaining too much!

I am also an electrical and electronic engineer with my own business. I am currently constructing a number of pieces of equipment for my own use including a Fender Twin Reverb copy. Depending on the results I may be looking to build and sell some of these in future.

So that's me in a nutshell. I'll try to post some pics later on.


    • [deleted]

    Welcome, DJ - good to have someone from Nam here.
      Hi and welcome. Enjoy the forum!
        Welcome dude! Tailon still hasn't sorted out the payment issues with the new cookie supplier so we're completely out. But we'll make it up to ya.
          Welcome aboard man, screw the cookies the man is from Nam, get him some beer!
            Hello and welcome DJ.....have fun!! ?
              Welcome to the forum, have fun!
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