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  • [deleted]

Im in. Great.

I think Andy's knowledge is matched by very few in this country!
    and me consider me signed up

    Thank you ?
      7 days later
      Yup, was at the gettogether. I'm in!
        • [deleted]

        Wow, Richard_... That essentially means you came to the get-together before you even joined the site. Kudos for being a go-getter! ?
          • [deleted]

          So, is there any news on this?
            I'm also definitely in. Don't know anyone better than Andy to do the workshop. The man is a genius.

            Why can't we hold it at his shop? or is it too small?
              List update:
              1. Bob Dubery (with or without X-rate)
              2. Ray
              3. Lethe
              4. racman
              5. Capricorn
              6. Squonk
              7. Aja
              8. TomCat
              9. Brentcgp
              10. Spyke
              12. Rudolf
              13. Nita
              14. JK
              15. Sean
              16. Stratisfear
              17. Msch997
              18. Richard_
              19. bLuEs
              20. Gearhead

              I'd say chances are that on the (first?) night in question about a dozen of these people will be able to make it. I will ask Andy if he has space available for that many, since NONE of you guys have made ANY suggestions ☹

              As promised I will meet with Andy asap and go over the programme so a) everyone can know upfront what to expect, b) we do not run out of time and c) we have all we need in terms of demonstrations / diagrams / etc. Will report back in this thread.
                I would really like to go, but my schedule is pretty hectic so maybe put my name down tentatively?
                  20.001 MikeM (?) ?

                  Maybe you should just try a little harder to MAKE time. Whatsdaword? "Nothing worth doing in life comes easy"?
                    Yea, my degree is pretty tough ?

                    It all depends when it is. If it's a weekend I'm 90% there. Weekdays are a little more hectic cause every now and again life goes mad (I.e from sunday... Haven't been to bed before 3am... so far, and I wake up @ 7am every day).

                    Need to chat to you about making a cab ?
                      Stratisfear, yeah should have been on here a long time ago!
                        Gearhead wrote: 20.001 MikeM (?) ?

                        Maybe you should just try a little harder to MAKE time. Whatsdaword? "Nothing worth doing in life comes easy"?
                          4 days later
                          Okay, talked things through with Andy McGibbon today.

                          We can have the whole event in his shop (saves hiring a venue and there's plenty of guitars around to be worked on) but there's no way we can have a hands-on course on more than 3-4 workstations at the same time. Plus, Andy would then also not have the time to sort all the workers out. I also see that having more than 10 people in Andy's workshop will be a challenge, so we are going to come up with an alternate programme.

                          The other thing is that we have too many topics to cover in one night. Rather than going over the simple theory that everyone can look up on the net anyway and leaving it at that, I would prefer to extend to two evenings. This to me takes up so much of our hosts time that I would prefer to pay him for his time, as well.
                          A sensible split to me would be to leave out electric bridges, pickups and other electrickery to the second night and on the first night focus on necks (frets, trussrods, neck angle etc.).
                          Andy prefers to have the event(s) on Thursdays.

                          So my proposal would be:
                          Thursday 15 October @ Andy McGibbon's Guitar World, entry R40 pp
                          (electric and) acoustic guitar setup, doors open before seven, talk starts at 19h00.
                          Thursday 29 October @ Andy McGibbon's Guitar World, entry R40 pp
                          electric setup cont'd (no intended repeat of 1st night topics), same time

                          Please comment (well, if you have something sensible to say ? )
                            Gearhead wrote: Okay, talked things through with Andy McGibbon today.

                            We can have the whole event in his shop (saves hiring a venue and there's plenty of guitars around to be worked on) but there's no way we can have a hands-on course on more than 3-4 workstations at the same time. Plus, Andy would then also not have the time to sort all the workers out. I also see that having more than 10 people in Andy's workshop will be a challenge, so we are going to come up with an alternate programme.

                            The other thing is that we have too many topics to cover in one night. Rather than going over the simple theory that everyone can look up on the net anyway and leaving it at that, I would prefer to extend to two evenings. This to me takes up so much of our hosts time that I would prefer to pay him for his time, as well.
                            A sensible split to me would be to leave out electric bridges, pickups and other electrickery to the second night and on the first night focus on necks (frets, trussrods, neck angle etc.).
                            Andy prefers to have the event(s) on Thursdays.

                            So my proposal would be:
                            Thursday 15 October @ Andy McGibbon's Guitar World, entry R40 pp
                            (electric and) acoustic guitar setup, doors open before seven, talk starts at 19h00.
                            Thursday 29 October @ Andy McGibbon's Guitar World, entry R40 pp
                            electric setup cont'd (no intended repeat of 1st night topics), same time

                            Please comment (well, if you have something sensible to say ? )
                            The main thing I want to say is "well done" for putting this together. It seems that you and Andy have been quite thorough in all of this, and so these sessions will be focused instead of just being busked on a wing on the night.

                            So thank you, Andy and Gearhead.
                              Thank us when it's done - lots to get right still ?
                                Sounds good.. Can't wait
                                  7 days later
                                  Gearhead wrote:
                                  So my proposal would be:
                                  Thursday 15 October @ Andy McGibbon's Guitar World, entry R40 pp
                                  (electric and) acoustic guitar setup, doors open before seven, talk starts at 19h00.
                                  Thursday 29 October @ Andy McGibbon's Guitar World, entry R40 pp
                                  electric setup cont'd (no intended repeat of 1st night topics), same time

                                  Please comment (well, if you have something sensible to say ? )
                                  I know you're still working on the exact content for each evening, but can we take the above dates as confirmed?
                                    X-rated Bob wrote: I know you're still working on the exact content for each evening, but can we take the above dates as confirmed?
                                    Will confirm 2moro after checking with Andy. Will make new post announcing the thing in 'events'.
                                      5 days later
                                      Sh1t, just remembered we got a gig on thursday.. will try and make the one 29th of Oct ☹
                                        • [deleted]

                                        Any confirmation on the dates?

                                        Im in... I'll even drive to Pretoria to fetch my baby... After taking a break and just playing electric for the last 2 weeks.... I think I can change a bit on the Larrivee. ?