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  • Jul 19, 2013
  • Joined Oct 16, 2008
  • I have just found out that in the end Slash did bring his own guitars and the Marshall Music supplied items were not used at the shows.


    • Tokai SA wrote:
      msch997 wrote: "strange.. i saw a fb post of JD at JD Customs saying how he was setting up Slash's own guitars "

      JD Custom works from the Marshall Music Woodmead (JHB) premises, he most probably was setting up the guitar that came from Marshall JHB before being sent down to Slash. Slash apparently brought no guitars or amplifiers with him. Regarding amplifiers he specified JCM 800 Marshall's or similar.
      Does JD setup your own personal guitars, Mike?

      he has done some set-ups in the past but not exclusively. You know who I use most of the time ?
      • "strange.. i saw a fb post of JD at JD Customs saying how he was setting up Slash's own guitars "

        JD Custom works from the Marshall Music Woodmead (JHB) premises, he most probably was setting up the guitar that came from Marshall JHB before being sent down to Slash. Slash apparently brought no guitars or amplifiers with him. Regarding amplifiers he specified JCM 800 Marshall's or similar.
        • [
          It took him a bit of bribery and corruption to get his signature 'Slash' Les Paul signed by Slash, in big bold black on the front of the guitar...he's been offered $14,000 for the guitar. ?
          I said SELL it, he says he doesn't need the money. ???

          Adam Sandler was in the KOC audience on Saturday and apparently the two Les Paul Slash signatures played by Slash on the KOC SA Tour were from Marshall Music straight of the Gibson wall (one from JHB and one from CA).
          • I got one of Matt Sorums's drum sticks,. the girl next to me got Slash's pick. I tried to swap with her but of course she did not want to know

            • Saw the show Saturday night seated, absolute y epic.
              So much so went Sunday again and this time standing managed to get right up front against the barriers dead centre.
              Myles Kennedy a legend in his own time.
              Glen Hughes just a monster singer how he does it is beyond me and at 63!

              Feel privileged to have been there
              • Epic show (FNB Saturday)

                Was in golden circle right up front, caught a plectrum as well, and just like Joe I am a "oom" I am 57

                Was good to see Justin on base with Chromium opening the bill.


                • My F@#@$

                  That looks so good its enough just to look at it, who needs to play it


                  • Alan Ratcliffe wrote:
                    msch997 wrote: I would be interested in what the members recommend as a verb pedal but focused on spring reverb emulation.
                    Try a Boss FRV-1 - it is a surprisingly good Fender tank type sound and the only emulation that splashes/drips like the real thing (hisses a bit too, which is also authentic ?).

                    Otherwise, on the boutique side, the Lee Jackson Mr Springgy gets lots of love for sheer quality of sound, but doesn't quite get intense enough for heavy reverb swamped styles like surf.

                    If you need a more flexible pedal that has a very good spring emulation, but also has good room, hall and plate sounds, take a look at the Hardwire reverb.
                    Thanks Alan, I will visit my fave music store and "borrow" the Boss FRV-1 and the Digitech Hardwire plug them into my PRRI and compare each pedal with the other and of course with the on board PRRI spring reverb, see which sounds "closest" to me. I never use the built in reverb in the PRRI beyond 4 so not looking for surf sounds. Want a subtle spring reverb to run in front of my Transatlantic TA-15 when using that amplifiers clean voicings (Fender, Vox).



                    • Not meaning to Hijack this thread, but I would be interested in what the members recommend as a verb pedal but focused on spring reverb emulation. I currently use the Neunaber Wet which a great reverb pedal but it does not really try emulate anything it has its own vibe, great for spacey and atmospheric type sounds but doesn't really do spring.


                      • Digitech Hardwire also a well featured reverb for the money. The late Gary Moore liked it so that's an endorsement.
                        • Flew SAA from Durban back to JHB. Bought a AVRI stratocaster while in Durban in tweed hard case and all, carried it onto the plane, stowed it in the overhead lockers, no issues at all.

                          I think the trick is not to fly during peak times when the planes are full. My flight was one of the later flights in the evening and the plane was not full.

                          • Tokai SA wrote:
                            msch997 wrote: Popped in their today, the in store advertised deals I saw are as follows:
                            Gibson less 20%
                            Mesa Boogie at cost
                            Fender and Vox less 30%
                            What discount are they giving on the Tokai Teles and Strats...did they put them on the sale?

                            I didn't see what they were doing on Tokia, I wasn't there long enough just popped in to swap a damaged cable under a life time warranty
                            • Popped in their today, the in store advertised deals I saw are as follows:
                              Gibson less 20%
                              Mesa Boogie at cost
                              Fender and Vox less 30%
                              • Tokai SA wrote:
                                Gavin Morein plays a Les Paul through a 100w Marshall TSL head into a 2x12, in large and small venues.
                                Compressor pedal up front always on and a bunch of other pedals.
                                Great tone, great guitarist.

                                If you arrive at a gig and there's a 100w Marshall or Fender Twin, etc, etc, waiting on the stage you can be sure you'll have great tone and enjoy the gig.
                                Never seen a guitarist gig with a 5watt amp. ?
                                Saw "Flys" at the corner house a week or two back, was initially getting the guitar sound from the PA speakers, was okay. Moved forward and stood directly in front of the guitarist (Gavin Morein) and the sound I got was directly from the 100w Marshall TSL head and the 2x12, was heaven, not overly loud as the venue has a thatched roof and that does bleed the sound I think, but heaven, watched all the sets from that spot never moved back to PA fed spots again.

                                • Hi I only saw this today (Sunday 7th August 2011) and the offer expires midnight Sunday 7th August (USA time) but RS Guitarworks are offering 20% off the online store price on most of their modern kits. Anybody who wants one of their kits its thus a good time to pull the trigger.

                                  I have bought items from them before. No issues, all arrived safely, well packaged and exactly as described.

                                  Obviously being based here in Joeys I am not affiliated to them at all.


                                  • racman wrote: Any suggestions on which to choose from these three?

                                    I can get them for around about the same price and while I have tried teh Deluxe Reverb RI which was great I haven't had the opportunity to compare to the others.

                                    Anything else I need to look at for this price point? (around 15-30Wmax)

                                    Hi you are welcome to come try my 65 Princeton reverb reissue, just PM me and I will give you my details. Bring your favorite guitar and pedals with and its all yours to wail away on to your hearts content.

                                    I chose it above the DRRI as it lent itself more to home playing than the DRRI. DRRI I found a bit brittle at lower volumes. I play the Princeton reverb usually with a stratocaster into the low input and with the volume at about 6 or 7 and its so sweet and juicy. My power valves are still stock (replacing with JJ 6V6S seems to be the standard practice with many in the USA).

                                    I had the opportunity though to listen to a good blues player give a supersonic 22 and good run through at Marshall Music Woodmead and that amplifier really was impressive at the black face vibe. He was playing the Vintage channel at 3 on the volume (he did have the base dimed though) with a bit of reverb and it ticked all the boxes (and you have the option of the burn channel which you don't get with a DRRI or a Princeton). We were comparing it to a 65 reissue super reverb and at the volumes we were playing (that's the key here, the volume) the supersonic definitely was the preferred amplifier.


                                    • Hi, An alternative organization to Lick Library is Truefire, they allow you the option of a data DVD all shipped or to purchase a downloadable copy which works out very cost efficient.


                                      Check them out, may have similar to what you want.

                                      And Tru fire run really nice sales on key public holidays like USA thanksgiving, or Easter etc where lost of stuff is 50% off.

                                      Regards and good luck.

                                      • Keira re Jim Campilongo

                                        I have an article somewhere where Jim explains how he sets up his BF Princeton's for the tone he gets. If you PM me your email address I will try find it and send it to you.

                                        But from memory he has it biased very very hot something like 28 ma and uses only NOS valves, he also dimes the volume to 10 most of the time and plays the guitar volume and picks near the bridge to control the base better. He says there is no free lunch where tone is concerned and because of the hot bias on his amplifiers he goes through NOS valves at a rate.

                                        Me I just wish whenever you buy a Princeton Reverb amp you get a clone of Jim's hands with it!

                                        • Hi Keira

                                          I have a PRRI I am in Sandton, you are welcome to come try it out, its a fantastic sounding device. If you have a little patience I will have a Deluxe Reverb Reissue as well as I have swapped a JCM800 and 4X12 cab for one of those and should have it within a week. you can compare to your hearts content.



                                          I will send you a PM with my details