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  • Jul 20, 2019
  • Joined Aug 31, 2009
  • Guys, thanks to those who gave constructive critisism it is appreciated. Liked all entries, definitely some great ones in there! Had great fun collaborating with Doomsower and us learning about some recording along the journey. Keep this forum great, regardless of the genre preferences ? ?
    • Oh man Squonk that made my day, thanks! ?
      • YEAH it was awesome!! What was great is how every band/person had their own style of playing and sound (besides all the great playing) Yup, supported everyone right through to 10h00 on a Sunday. Hope I'm capable of playing and performing like that one day! Well done to ALL who played. ? GFSA and it's people are awesome!
        • Cool! Thanks for sharing. This is awesome! ?
          • Alan
            Once again thanx for the wisdom your cool. Will check it out. Maybe contact Karel or Jp for the tech side. Considered adding an fx loop, but by someone who knows how.

            Thanx wanted to ask the same and you've covered it.

            Hehe, funny enough I was really captured by the solid clean tone of the amp (why I bought it in the first place) Experimenting with the overdrive combinations at the moment thus leading to the queries on the delay/ reverb... Thanx great idea, visit to the music store or... a pedal party get-to-gether eh eh!? Everyone having fun. Different flavors of amps and pedals to go around?

            Thnx for the cool idea, that can work to test it out. I'm not seeking a particular sound just experimenting to find a tone I like. Playing around to achieve clean tones to crunch and if possible singing lead tones.

            Thnx for covering for me there haha. Whats your opinion?

            > Selling is no option, too nice an amp,
            > Only if Aja is possibly up for a swop hehe,
            > Pedal party, anyone interested?
            • Thanks, Alan. Ok yeah I'm quite interested in the delay, but yeah I don't have an fx loop section so will this then mess up my plans....what does it entail to incorporate a fx loop into an amp then?
              • Right. So I've been busting my brains trying to get a grasp on this for some time now and thought I'd consult with the wise people of GFSA.

                Specifically tubes amps and effects pedals i.e. delay or reverb pedals. Where to put them in the chain. This would take into consideration on how you utilize your amp, with regards to the pre-amp and power amp, Before? After? Gain affecting the delays/reverb? What actually happens to the signal?

                The situation I'm currently in is that I have an ok tube amp (Still have a torn mind with regards to going digital...Kemper...Axe-FX...things like that, that mess up your mind, but is a different story) and then wanting to possibly buy a delay or reverb pedal, BUT the amp does not have an effects loop...

                So before I waste my money, please help me from losing my sanity fellow peoples. Oh and thanx to Aja for sending me on this insanity roller-coaster! ?

                Apologies if I only reply in the evenings, but feel free to discuss, hope this will be interesting ?
                • This calls for a 'Save our GFSA members' gettogether...or what do you guys say? I'm sure there's quite a few people in that boat here. Squonk, the people at the gettogether are awesome and you can quickly scratch together the tools you need with the help of the people on here + its fun, ya-ha! ?
                  • Hi Alan, yeah that seemed to do the trick. It asked me to confirm the email as well. The change attempted at "Home ยป My account" gave me the error for some reason.

                    Thanks a mil and 4 keeping up a great site!!
                    • Hi, halfway fell victim to fraud/scam and busy changing details. Would like to change my email on the forum, BUT I get this error "The e-mail address xxx is not valid in SMF."

                      Help would be appreciated, Thanks. (I promise to be more active on the site...please *fingers crossed*)
                      • Ahh man!! Dang!....Tears in my eyes :roflmao: I can not remember when was the last time I literally fell on the floor because I had cramps in my stomach from laughing so hard. Thanks for lighting up my day, yup we need to help the people to tune their ears a bit, coz obviously they haven't listened to some good stuff yet.
                        • Stratisfear, yeah should have been on here a long time ago!
                          • Yup, was at the gettogether. I'm in!