Knockoff Hanna Montana Les Paul shape anyone?
Oh dear...what a mess. You'd hope this ad was a early april fool's or something... :?wern101 wrote: Uhm.... i dunno:
Dat trem thowern101 wrote: Uhm.... i dunno:
a mess indeed. that thing looks like its made out of plastic and press wood. ???Meron Rigas wrote: Oh dear...what a mess. You'd hope this ad was a early april fool's or something... :?
LOL. looks like trampoline springs on there.peterleroux wrote:
Dat trem tho
This looks like it might be a good deal- Cimax was an Ibanez brand from the late 70s- so this is a lawsuit era fretless. If i didn't all the parts for a fretless sitting on my bench, I'd be all over thisMeron Rigas wrote: I see your aquastic, and raise you a "threadless guitar" :?
HAHAHAHAHA. This is hilarious.Hasie wrote: OLX Ad
? :roflmao: Facepalm.Meron Rigas wrote:
Yip, you read it here - R8500 for a guitar that is as good as a fender. Fret not about the Behringer label on the headstock, just rub it off with your thumb and call it a custom. Oh and a matching amp...someone restrain me!
Anyone want an almost new Les Paul with an aftermarket nut, made of human bone? Only R35k.
I almost wanted to ask if it was from an amputated limb or a cadaver.
V8, I followed the above link, and the ad has obviously expired by now - BUT, it did lead me to this gem:
R8500 for a GT-10 ? ?
Jazzman105 R8500 for a GT-10 ? ?
Bwahahahaha - my mate was looking for one, the GT-10 apparently plays nicely with iPad's. I guesstimated around R3k for one in good condition - which I thought was a tad pricey for a chunk of 00's tech.
Guess that box is worth 5k then. ?
ChrisDanger Anyone want an almost new Les Paul with an aftermarket nut, made of human bone? Only R35k.
Post of the week for me. How the dickens do you explain a nut made of human bone. My skin just crawls at the thought. I do not want to meet the seller or buyer of this instrument. Ewww.
Trawling the classifieds does occasionally make me laugh. Occasionally there's a 'wtf' moment. And once or twice in a blood moon there's a Hello Kitty Squire for R7499... w.t.f ? :
Well they're negotiable and it comes with a strap. Whoop-whoop.
1998 Fender Strat, USA Made, As New, with rusty strings and the most effed up nut you've ever seen (as new?!!!)