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3 months later
Found this on Bid or Buy. A 'Peavey At guitar'.
Check out this description:

Perfect Tuning. Perfect Intonation. Instantly. With the simple push of a button on the new Peavey AT-200; guitar players can now create music in perfect tune and pitch. The Peavey AT-200 features Antares Auto-Tune for Guitar with String Tune and the Solid-Tune intonation system; two technologies that work together to bring the clarity of perfect pitch to this high-quality instrument.With the Peavey AT-200; you can even switch into alternate tunings like Drop D; Open G; Baritone and more instantly by adjusting your finger positions when engaging the Auto-Tune for Guitar feature. And no bulky; unattractive hardware weighs down the playing experience - the Peavey AT-200 looks; plays and sounds just like a conventional guitar. Exactly the way it should.String TuneWith Auto-Tune for Guitar; tuning up your guitar is a breeze. You can tune all six strings instantly with the push of a button (no motors or gears required). Simply strum the strings; trigger String Tuning via a button or foot switch; and your guitar is instantly in tune.It"s really that simple. And with Auto-Tune for Guitar"s Virtual Capo function; you can shift pitch both up aAmazing automatic tuning via Antares Auto-Tune for guitar systemSealed diecast tuners; 15-1 gear ratioMaster volume with momentary switch to initiate String-tune and Solid-tune functionMaster tone control. Pull up to turn off active system and change to passive pickups2 Peavey custom designed humbucking pickupsThree-way switching selector for both the active Auto-Tune system and passive pickupsDual action torsion rodFull Size MIDI inputString thru body for maximum sustain1/4" and 8 pin DIN connectors. 8 pin DIN connector included for use with optional AT200-B breakout box. (more details on following pages)Battery powered via 4 AA cells. Can also be remotely powered with AT200-B breakout boxUpgrade software packages available through Antares via http://guitar.auto-tune.com. Please visit the website for a listing of available software upgrades25.5" scaleSolid Basswood Body
    2 months later
    Meron Rigas wrote: Oh dear...what a mess. You'd hope this ad was a early april fool's or something... :?
    a mess indeed. that thing looks like its made out of plastic and press wood. ???

    But i would bet it will eventually sell....
    peterleroux wrote:
    Dat trem tho
    LOL. looks like trampoline springs on there.
      7 months later
      Hasie wrote: OLX Ad
      HAHAHAHAHA. This is hilarious.
        8 months later
        Whoa....9mths since I was sarcastic, it's a lowwww form of humour, but... :?


        Yip, you read it here - R8500 for a guitar that is as good as a fender. Fret not about the Behringer label on the headstock, just rub it off with your thumb and call it a custom. Oh and a matching amp...someone restrain me!


        "Out of a squire bullet strat (arguably the best entry level guitar ever made)"

        He's right, we'd argue. ?
        Meron Rigas wrote:
        Yip, you read it here - R8500 for a guitar that is as good as a fender. Fret not about the Behringer label on the headstock, just rub it off with your thumb and call it a custom. Oh and a matching amp...someone restrain me!
        ? :roflmao: Facepalm.
          a year later

          Jazzman105 R8500 for a GT-10 ? ?

          Bwahahahaha - my mate was looking for one, the GT-10 apparently plays nicely with iPad's. I guesstimated around R3k for one in good condition - which I thought was a tad pricey for a chunk of 00's tech.

          Guess that box is worth 5k then. ?

          ChrisDanger Anyone want an almost new Les Paul with an aftermarket nut, made of human bone? Only R35k.

          Post of the week for me. How the dickens do you explain a nut made of human bone. My skin just crawls at the thought. I do not want to meet the seller or buyer of this instrument. Ewww.

            3 months later
            2 months later

            1998 Fender Strat, USA Made, As New, with rusty strings and the most effed up nut you've ever seen (as new?!!!)

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