The weirdest thing happened this year, i always thought i would be a die hard metal fan until i die one day.....then i listened to Satriani again (can`t remember y) and previously hated his music. And for some reason i just can`t get enough of the awesomeness that is Joe, i am converted to instrumental rock, no more metal, growling screaming crap - never thought i would say that, and i`m starting to like classical music, went to c CT orchestra in the town hall and was totally blown away by the skill of those musicians - came to realize that they really are true musicians, they are in a totally different league.
I really like other shredders aswell, like gilbert and petrucci and all those - i just for some reason like satriani`s melodies more, not too of an over kill with the shredding, but enough if u like technical.
So anyone else that has a similar experience regarding a sudden change of taste of music, please tell ur story if u wanna.... ?
Satriani got a way of getting stuck in you're head. I started learning Summer Song long before I had the necessary technique, but the harmonic sequence in the beginning was so magical, BTW I learned it on an acoustic. I still love my metal very much, these days more progressive stuff like Opeth, Symphony X and Dream Theater and lately symphonic metal like Kamelot.
Satriani.......... my reason for buying the Ibanez JS1000!!.... and a Vox Satchurator!!
The first time I heard "Always with you, always with me".....I became a convert. ?
I like a lot of his stuff, not all.......but s**t.....he's awesome........
ok... Ive waited for a nice post for my 500th , and here is comes ?
In 2006 December, I got 2 awesome things for XMas
1) Boss GT8
2) Satriani live in San FranSico
I remember seeing some of it in 2003, but I just didn't get it, It just flew over my head
In 2006 I could understand his music a lot better for some reason and I quickly realised
Satch was the master of melody.
It wasn't long before I started learning his tracks through Guitar Tab Pro and it helped my guitar playing a lot.
My favourite tracks of him include :
Made of Tears, Secret Prayer, Love Thing, Rasberry Jam Delta V, One Robot's Dream, Souls of Distortion,
Flying in a blue dream, the Mystical Patato Head Groove Thing, Satch Boogie, Is there love in space, If I could fly
and Gnaaaahh....
Crystal Planet takes the cake, a lot of people say Its "Satriani on AutoPilot" ... I totally disagree , Its pure Satch..
Man I cant actually think of any of his tracks I don't like...
Ok Done
Time to enter the GFSA Hall of Fame
Well done quinnes.
I acutually got a differrent taste in guitars, i totally disliked stats and tele's, until i just started liking them oneday for no reason, strange.
Satriani also converted me to intrumental music.
My favourite satriani song is "Train of Angels"
Meir introduced me to Satch when I started going to lessons with him. I also didn't "get it" for a while but it started sinking in and I've been a convert ever since. Absolutely, 100% agree with AJB: Joe is the master of melody!
AJB i totally agree, the crystal planet album is really awesome stuff, up in the sky got stuck in my head. On Strange Beautiful Music - the mountain song...i dunno i really like all of his stuff. I truly admire petrucci and gilbert for their skill - but there is something about a good melody no shredding pattern can beat, melody just makes a song "musical" and Joe for me has that balance between technicality, being able to make it musical and work with very little to create something awesome!!!
This is y i play (this feeling) - something inspires u, can almost describe it like when u were a little kid, knowing 2morrow is ur birthday, it`s that super excited feeling and verbal diarrhea and u just can`t stop. And the best part, it does`nt go away. Like with some things u get board very quickly, i always wanted a motorbike but after a year sold it...just was`nt that fun. After 5 years it still feels like i started yesterday....power of music is amazing!
Do a search on YouTube for "Made of Tears live" - live at the Grove
Satch seems to have come out of his shell,
He's usually fairly still on stage and doesn't do the whole thing that Vai does...
On this performance he comes alive a bit lol.... Strange to see
Even a bit of "tongue" - ing the guitar hahaha
@ andrewjbryson
Where did you manage to get that Live in San Fran dvd
I have been looking everywhere for that DVD
I got it as a Xmas present from a good friend!
I recommend you get your hands on that DVD... its amazing... and Satch doesn't play 1 wrong note
on all 22 or so tracks.
This DVD should be available to order through most online DVD retailers
I have tried all local suppliers
Still sceptical using credit card info on the net
Prefer cash deals ?
I am still trying to work out the whole Joe Satriani thing.
Please help!
I have G3 (Satriani, Vai and Johnson) , also the DVD of the concert
I also have "Surfing with the alien" but dont get it yet. Maybe I should try the DVD AJB's talking about it.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with his technique or playing, in fact it's monumentally good.
ON the G3 album, I prefer Vai's and Johnson's playing. I can feel a bit more heart and soul from Steve and Eric.
Dont misunderstand me, I think Joe is very GOOD, but why dont Vai and Johnson get the same Hero treatment?
Live in San Fran is available at Music Moods in Centurion, maybe other centers as well?
@Squonk, for me, Joe's playing is a lot more "rock n roll" than Johnson/Vai/Petrucci. I think that's why people relate to his music a bit better.
Maybe its just a matter of taste or preferance I have the same dvd you mentioned
Theres no denying Vai's talent but for a 2 hour set I would go Satraini any day
Vai tends to be a bit more experimental in his sound, maybe I need to develop further b4 I fully appreciate this
i remember the first time I watched the G3 dvd about 3-4 years ago(b4 I started playing as weell, I totally missed everything, over my head.
Could not understand what my uncle was ooogling over, yet the talent is so obvious when I watch it now
But yeah maybe its just different tastes and being at different levels musically
But thats just my take on things
Squonk : For some reason on the G3's I also prefer Vai 's and Petrucci's slots
Petrucci 's 2005 Live in Tokyo performance was mindblowing (Damage Control / Glasgow Kiss)
Johnson played a killer set on 2003 (IIRC)
@ Squonk - I also prefer Vai's performance on the G3s to Satch's. Satch is a lot more accessible and melodic, crafting melodies that anyone can follow and enjoy. Vai is more technical and while it is often harder to follow the subtle (and all to fleeting) nuances that make his playing special, he has learned the art of showmanship so he's more interesting to watch (even when you can tell he's faking it, lol!). Johnson has tone to die for, but generally his compositions leave me cold.
You know what the REALLY sad bit is? If it flew over OUR heads as guitar afficionados, imagine what our potential fans will be like once we get out there?
I know I love playing the stuff that you need to develop a taste for, so I'm perdy much screwed. Sure you can find people to buy your stuff (out of everyone on the 'net, there's a market for everyone) but who the heck will attend your local gigs ?
My solution? Find something else to make me money and do the music for fun.
Either that or go LARGE. ie: pick up your shit and move to the US/UK/Sri Lanka or something where people can appreciate your music ?
Having said that, I'm confident SA is growing in it's musical taste, and I love it here, so ja, let's educate people on what good music really sounds like ?
Vai just puts me off,i can listen to his stuff-but he pulls his face,and that tounge...cant watch him at all.dont like the sound he gets,bit to sharp but he is awesome.will probably change as i develope but for now Joe is king!