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Just out of interest I was wondering, how old were you when you started playing?

I see a couple of guys posting here, wishing they started young. I only started a year ago when I realised that I can't just be an office monkey anymore. Needed to do something that I really had a passion for. So at the ripe 'ol age of 26 I started playing. I've read all the opinions about starting young, but I believe as long as you start, that's good enough ?

So anyway, how old were you?

PS: This is on another note, but I absolutely HATE it when other guitarist try to out brag you. Like, I finally finished learning the solo for Nothing Else Matters (which I'm really proud off) and I share this with another guitarist. His response: "Yeah, well... that's easy... I did that in the first couple of months when I started playing" Thanks for the feedback douchebag.

    I started at 10, i am 20 in OCt, so thats a long time.

      LOL, I know people like that and there is always a good comeback that jump to mind. Something like I'm smarter than you, or my **** is bigger than yours, but being friends you can't always say what's on your mind.

      I'm 21 going on 22 and been playing since end 2005, that's 3 and a half years.
        I started at about 14, but only really "started" properly again last year at the age of 30... Got a lot of catching up to do.
          Lacuna ZA wrote:
          PS: This is on another note, but I absolutely HATE it when other guitarist try to out brag you. Like, I finally finished learning the solo for Nothing Else Matters (which I'm really proud off) and I share this with another guitarist. His response: "Yeah, well... that's easy... I did that in the first couple of months when I started playing" Thanks for the feedback douchebag.

          hahaha.. Know the feeling.. Well, I'm 27 now, and have been playing since I was 13..
            Started when I was 21, and will be 43 in a few weeks! Half of my life??!! ? ?

              Started playing about 3 months after I turned 50 last year. Also growing sideburns and a moustache.
                I must have been 17 when somebody showed me C, F & G. Or was it C, G & D?

                I must have been 19 when I got an axe and started playing. That didn't last long. Got started again about 23. Carried on for a few years. Then packed it in again. Then started up again - and more seriously - at age 49.

                I think. The memory is not as reliable as it once... once.... once what? Who are all you people?
                  Started when I was 17, 27 now!
                  So that is 10 year, but when I play it sounds like 10 months ?
                    "Played" for about 23 minutes when I was 21...... :-[ :-[ :-\ :-\

                    I am now starting from scratch at age 47....... ?arty:
                      Started age 12 or so.... 24 now, so its about 12 years

                      Even before that I Actually fooled around on my old man's Hofner Bass (going through a HI-FI system lol)

                        Started at 15 and I'm 42 now. Playing-wise, most of what I know I picked up in my first three years, while I was still at school.
                          Started somewhere around the age of 19/20 - faffing about. Serious from around 26. I'm 37 now.
                            I started at 23.0 and I am now 23.5 ?

                            Dont worry, a part of me worries that I am too old to seriously get into it, but at the same time I really am having sooooo much fun. Especially the spending money part
                              Started when I was 10 but my parents took me off of lessons when I still couldn't play after a couple of years. Its a quarter of a century later and I still can't play.. But I'm having fun again trying ?
                                Man, its so cool to see another bunch of... well.. older people who didn't start till later in their life. Rock on guys!!

                                To the guys who've been playing like 10-20 years. Does it suck that there aren't any challenges left? Or is that when the fun really starts?
                                  @ Lacuna

                                  There is so much to learn, so many styles, alternate tunings, Acoustic, nylon, Solid electrics, Archtop electrics and so on.

                                  I learned a couple of chords in 1979 - The house of the rising sun chords, and I even got the F chord. Due to lack of funds and the SADF(Some walnut stole my Ibanez Concord acoustic after a week). Got interested again in 1990 when I bought a Fernandes LE2, a kind of strat copy with a marshall 10 watt valvstate amp. House of the rising sun sounded terrible, so I traded in the Fernandez for Charvel model 3 (H-S-S) still did nothing cause I hated the Floyd Rose(never mind not been able to play the thing). Traded the Charvel for an Ibanez 12 string which I played but didn't really improve.

                                  In the 1998 I bought my Takamine acoustic and I improved a bit,

                                  In 2008 discoved GFSA and finally got an Electric guitar and it's A for away. I have learned the most in the last year. The forum is great for inspiration!

                                  I am 46 and there are so many doors to open, It's never to late ?
                                    Lacuna ZA wrote: Man, its so cool to see another bunch of... well.. older people who didn't start till later in their life. Rock on guys!!

                                    To the guys who've been playing like 10-20 years. Does it suck that there aren't any challenges left? Or is that when the fun really starts?
                                    Ive been playing +- 12 years, I find the challenges only starting now ...

                                    Before I used to look at tabs and work them out slowly, but I didn't attempt anything that I would consider "Challenging"

                                    Once you start studying the fretboard, using modes and formulas to paint images, thats
                                    when the challenge starts ?

                                    That's what amazes me about the guitar, You will never "finish" or "complete" studying it.

                                    Guys like Paul Gilbert, Vai, Petrucci, believe it or not, they are still "learnin" new tricks, as we speak

                                    The rabbit hole just goes deeper and deeper, and the crazy stuff starts
                                      Started when I was 17, I'll be 44 in July. But I have to say I haven't been playing constantly for all those years. At times a year or so passed without me playing. It's only in the last few years that I've started making more of an effort, and still nowhere near as much as I'd like to.

                                      Wow...there's so much to learn about the guitar, and a third of my life is over already...! ?
                                        1970... 12 years old and learning the chords to Locomotive Breath and Nights In White Satin and anything that starts in Em. There were years of marriage and scoolkids and career moves that just didn't include the guitar. Now at the age of 50 I'm trying to rejuvenate the kid in me...(middle age crisis... ???)
                                        Funny how I gave up on certain songs then because I just couldn't figure out the chord sequence,
                                        now I download from www.chords and it's so easy... Behind Blue Eyes by the Who... straight forward chords the whole way. I'm playing songs from my younger day, (Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin) when I'm alone in my room and learning to play bass with a band and doing more modern stuff. ?