Tailon. wrote:
i am gonna be leeched for this , but imo i never thought hendrix was that great , maybe he was awesome in his day , but honestly never really impressed me that much , and have never seen what all the fuss is about
To me he's one of those players who is simultaneously great and overrated. Which is not his fault. I think you have to consider him in the context of when he broke through. There is no doubt that he substantially raised the game in electric guitar playing, and opened up a whole new world of possibilities. Just as Dylan had done with songwriting.
It's like Isaac Newton - surpassed by Einstein now and it's hard to understand what the fuss was about, but in his time he fundamentally changed humanity's understanding of the universe.
Or Eddie van Halen (not that I'm a van Halen fan actually). Taking those records at face value now you'd think he's pretty good but he sounds like... and.... and... But he too effected a major shift and opened up new areas.
I'm also not a big Hendrix fan. I think it's harder now to appreciate what he represented and did, even if you intellectually understand the case. I hear lots of echoes of his playing, especially in the current generation of guitar tyros - notably John Mayer and Jack Johnson.
Good and important as Hendrix was, I will not countenance the notion that he is unsurpassed and unsurpassable. I'd like to think that no great is unsurpassable. (the only one who is showing serious longevity as "the greatest" is Shakespeare)