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Welcome all to 2023, may there be more music in your life this year!

The brief was:

Create a entry that's upbeat &/or ''catchy' using advertising jingles as inspiration. So around 10-40s of a riff/hook/progression. Your entry must have some guitar in and the entry should leave the listener wanting more.

Please have a listen and vote for you favourite - no prizes this month - but Bonus points for comments and feedback 👍

Reminder, the poll is up and working, though you'll still have to view voters to to count the votes

Voting closes Monday, 9th December 2023 at midday

Onto the entries!

V8 - Jingly bits

Here it is, all 12secs of it 🙅‍♂️ . But I did manage to sneak in a guitar and bass 😄 It's a chunk of a groove/riff that I tried working into a shorter section that could work as a intro to Radio segment or YT video intro or maybe even get cut up in Seinfeld style 'stings'

Studmissile - Bright Bold Red (Revisited)

Been tinkering with an older entry idea

Meticus - Jingle Challenge

I came round after a while to see what's up here and stumbled right into a challenge 😄

As deadline ahead and me just getting the point after 3rd look, I didn't manage more than a 13 seconds entry 😅
At first I just saw the meme and tried some power chords to "Jingle Bells", then I had a closer look and read something with "advertising jingles" and tried to cover the Thomy theme from the nineties. After finally reading the full challenge text now, I recorded something that shall sound like a jingle 🤣 Could be an advert for oven cheese or such 😆
(In future, I really should patiently read everything right at challenge start xD)

I recorded a simple acoustic guitar tab and some keyboard chords, then added bass and drum VST stuff.

Stay safe and healthy and have a good start into 2023 everybody!

Thank YOU for listening & Enjoy!

Who Jingled your fancy?

This poll has ended.

gents, all very nice entries. technical and production values are superb.
my thoughts, as one coming from 'the industry', as it were:

V8: nice n soulful, i thought. got the feeling it could 100% work for something like 'soulfood', from chicken licken? not to tie you down, though. it's just a thought.

Stud: good, solid, rockin' stuff. i love that last little 20" refrain as a jingle on its own. often, though, clients will request a proposal to see how the whole thing would sound, and this would defos fit that bill.

Meticus: this is so neat and mellow, which means it's not really constrained to any one market. that little three note 'sting' at the end is a bonus. it could be used on its own once the jingle is tied to the brand identity.

really sorry i didn't make the voting
whoops. did make the voting, just doesn't work lekker on firefox for some reason...

domhatch my thoughts, as one coming from 'the industry', as it were:

That's super useful, I really should have got you to write the brief 🥸 I'd like to do this challenge again sometime, I totally enjoyed it - dunno how other's felt, but I dug the process of 'monetizing' a song/music in a novel way (like ring tones, which we've done)

You made a excellent point about 'versatility', the 'brief' was deliberately vague so anyone could do literally anything. But Meticus's could work with almost anything and that's something I hadn't thought about 👍

Studmissile : I remember this tune - what did you do different in the revisit? For me, the 1st 22s was where the tasty jingly bits lay.

Meticus : Exactly what I was thinking, you nailed it...third time lucky I guess 🦈 😁 Only crit was that I'm not sure I'd want to hear more, you managed to cover all the bases in 13s! Dom's point about versatility is a excellent one, you really could offer this up as a 'sound logo' and fiverr or similar and it'd probably sell!

Mine : Took around 90mins, 10m of which was figuring out which cables went where in the interface. 😆 The song version is similar but more guitar-y - if that makes sense. There's a couple of different takes - the metal one easily being the most fun to play and least fun to listen to

Thanks for comments domhatch & thanks for the entries @studmissile & @Meticus ! Hope 2023 brings you more music and less kak!

Happy New Year! Great entries guys and genius challenge idea. Hopefully we can do it a again with a little more time and maybe more brief specific as domhatch pointed out?

Awesome tracks. I can easily hear @V8 's punchy bass on a Music Channel Ident or @Meticus' more mellow acoustic arrangement on a Lifestyle Show. Can't fault the playing or the mix for that matter on either. Coin toss.

@V8 what did I do different in the revisit? ...added the 23s-60s Untasty jingly bits 🙂 . Truth is, I was working on something with a Christmas theme and ran out of time. BBR was a plan B I've been tinkering with.

All the best for 2023 everyone! Rock On!

studmissile Hopefully we can do it a again with a little more time and maybe more brief specific as domhatch pointed out?

don't get me wrong, i ain't dissing the brief at all. i don't think you guys would've been able to come up with such excellent tracks if it wasn't for such an awesome challenge. just thought i'd give my perspective as someone who's worked in the advertising field for a little bit.

@domhatch I agree. I just see the potential in exploring the idea again. I hadn't considered the more practical applications and pragmatic considerations of jingle writing. Your perspective was very enlightening. Thank you.

  • V8 replied to this.

    studmissile Hopefully we can do it a again with a little more time and maybe more brief specific as domhatch pointed out?

    I'm keen - the idea was kinda born from @domhatch Rockabilly Xmas - I thought peeps might be a tad Xmas'ed out, so let's do the Jingle part of Jingle bells 😁 So I didn't actually think of it having a brief aside from guitar-y and (hopefully) upbeat.

    But now we've test driven it, I reckon a 'proper' brief from a @domhatch would make it a whole lot more fun. I'd probably want 2-3 briefs so that we can entice more peeps to enter? Maybe like one from a snack/soda company, one from a software dev company, etc...

    studmissile Truth is, I was working on something with a Christmas theme and ran out of time.

    Aha, yeah I din't even try for Xmass-y stuff -I parked the elf on the shelf (heh 😉). Was just happy to be able to get a bit of guitaring and bassing in after a dodgy elbow in 2022.

    studmissile I hadn't considered the more practical applications and pragmatic considerations of jingle writing

    Me neither! Versatility hadn't even crossed my mind and there's a little more detail I hadn't thought of that Meticus did have. He layered sounds a little that added a lot. Adding & mixing audio ''Textures' might be a better way of explaining what I thought he did well?

    And @Meticus... you win the last challenge of 2022! Well done son! Got any idea's for the next challenge or shall we try and trawl the GFSA'ers for their usual lack of ideas...(heh)

    Oh damn, seems the vote is over already, I had visitors over the weekend and was going to vote today, I thought to remember the 23:59 deadline, obviously I was wrong 😅

    Has my missing vote now made me the winner? D'oh 😆

    V8 or shall we try and trawl the GFSA'ers for their usual lack of ideas...(heh)

    I would appreciate this 😁
    (Was there not a challenge some months ago, where we recorded backing tracks for future challenges?)

    Meticus Has my missing vote now made me the winner? D'oh 😆

    Welll, we know you was gonna go with the Studly wonder!

    Meticus (Was there not a challenge some months ago, where we recorded backing tracks for future challenges?)

    There was! I guess I should trawl the entries and check - though IIRC, I was underwhelmed by the response. Let's see what peeps are in mood for with some suggestions. I'll poke the nest and see what stings

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