Welcome all to 2023, may there be more music in your life this year!

The brief was:
Create a entry that's upbeat &/or ''catchy' using advertising jingles as inspiration. So around 10-40s of a riff/hook/progression. Your entry must have some guitar in and the entry should leave the listener wanting more.
Please have a listen and vote for you favourite - no prizes this month - but Bonus points for comments and feedback 👍️
Reminder, the poll is up and working, though you'll still have to view voters to to count the votes
Voting closes Monday, 9th December 2023 at midday
Onto the entries!
V8 - Jingly bits
Here it is, all 12secs of it 🙅♂️ . But I did manage to sneak in a guitar and bass 😄 It's a chunk of a groove/riff that I tried working into a shorter section that could work as a intro to Radio segment or YT video intro or maybe even get cut up in Seinfeld style 'stings'
Studmissile - Bright Bold Red (Revisited)
Been tinkering with an older entry idea
Meticus - Jingle Challenge
I came round after a while to see what's up here and stumbled right into a challenge 😄
As deadline ahead and me just getting the point after 3rd look, I didn't manage more than a 13 seconds entry 😅
At first I just saw the meme and tried some power chords to "Jingle Bells", then I had a closer look and read something with "advertising jingles" and tried to cover the Thomy theme from the nineties. After finally reading the full challenge text now, I recorded something that shall sound like a jingle 🤣 Could be an advert for oven cheese or such 😆
(In future, I really should patiently read everything right at challenge start xD)
I recorded a simple acoustic guitar tab and some keyboard chords, then added bass and drum VST stuff.
Stay safe and healthy and have a good start into 2023 everybody!
Thank YOU for listening & Enjoy!