klaasvakie Again, Thank you for your help! I would never have gotten those tones.
Yeti Kind words, thank you. I really did enjoy your entry, it fits your style quite well.
studmissile The mix was amazing and the end product well polished. I concur with the sentiments above. Great effort!
@V8 I have to appreciate the effort and the fun had. I really enjoyed it.\
Thank you for everyone's kind comments, I really did enjoy this one.
@klaasvakie I have two challenge ideas that are tickling my fancy. I want you to make the call on which.
Mantra challenge. A song that acts as an instrumental build-up. Vocals are optional since it would be more instrumental based but may add to the effect.
I hate Afrikaans pop songs. They are way too cheesy and are rip-off of international pop-rock tracks. So let's try it. I wouldn't limit it to Afrikaans, but bonus points if you do. It should fit the style at least.