Suggested by @Yeti and seconded by me (I think he was reading my mind), we've hatched a plan to keep us playing over the LoCkDoWn period.
The basic idea is - 3 rounds of a weekly challenge. We'll be using a small selection of 30-60s backing tracks for you to noodle over.
You'll have 5 days to come up with something, 2 days to vote and after the three rounds - we'll have weekly winners and a overall winner. And @Yeti was thinking a grand prize of a pack of Toilet paper...hmmm, he's a funny guy 😄
Initially we'll have two groups, DAW and Live Jam. For the DAW category, use your toys, but noodling/solo'ing is to be one track only (in addition to the backing track). For Live Jam, just crank up the backing track and record using cell phone (or similar device)
So to kick it off...will y'all help get together some backing tracks (4 max per week) and we'll kick off the challenge's first week on 31st March.
Let's try and keep the backing tracks simple-ish - let's say a 8-16 bar loop maxing out at 60seconds?. All & Any genres welcome!
Feel free to trawl your Challenge entries (or other people's) for potential loops/tracks or find something that you like out there. Let's try and steer away from copyrighted material, it makes using SoundCloud a tad tricky!
Feel free to PM ne with questions (or poke me on whatsapp) - post your backing tracks on Soundcloud and let's keep that racoon waiting...