V8 thank you for your analyses.
Buskers anthem is really where i aspire to be busking on a sidewalk but way to shy..
Besides the lyrics, the recipe...
Drums and bass from Band in a Box real instruments. Keys from Band in a Box midi chord sequencer.
Acoustics done by me and lead tingely bits as well on a Fender straht. The bite was ear splitting though.
The instruments and vocals mixed in Cakewalk and TTS1 used for getting that string sound on the keys.
Muscle Cars and sleazy Bars. Would not have been here if Yeti and Guidothepimmp dit not agree on the collaboration. Hats off to two amazing musicians who really provided colour to a dull track. Again, bass and drums in BIAB as well as midi arpeggiators.
Acoustic rhythm by me and the rest by Yeti and Guido. This is incidentally my first collaboration using only gmail as a comms medium and was truly impressed with lead and vocals?
Also mixed in Cakewalk.
What did I learn?
1st: making music is fun
2nd: give your ears a break when mixing
3rd: use compression
4th: use reverb sparingly
Lastly trust other musician's interpretations of presented work
I would really like to extend a thank you to every competitor. You guys did amazing songs with genres all over the show which added to the diversity of the anthems. Not sure if the number of entries is a record though.
Ah and a last thought. Waiting for the opportunity to get Majaelle and Wern101 in a duet.....