I recently wrote down my thoughts on Yousician as a reply to a question on Reddit. I'll repeat it here since you guys might find it useful. I think a lot of it also applies to Rocksmith, but maybe you will correct me:
I've been using yousician for almost two years now (Level 9) so here are my takeways:
I.M.O. the single most important benefit of Yousician is that it takes away your worries on what to practice. Have ten minutes to play, but not sure what? Just fire up Yousician and do whatever your next task is.
I think that it makes you a more well-rounded guitarist in the sense that progressing will require you to play some music that you don't like. Want to get to Level 9? Well guess what, you're going to have to rock that fingerstyle version of Waltzing Matilda or you're going nowhere.
If you have the type of personality that "gamification" works on, or are inherently competitive, I think Yousician will work for you. I've caught myself doing a bunch of extra work on songs I don't really like just to get all gold stars or whatever.
The amount of songs that are already tabbed for yousician is good, and importing guitarpro works pretty well, so once you are used to reading the scrolly tabs (after about Level 5 or so) playing new songs is pretty effortless (provided your fingers can do the work). Many of the songs are user-submitted though, so the quality varies.
I.M.O the major downside to Yousician is that it doesn't train your memory at all, I find my song retention is absolute rubbish. There are 100s of songs that I can play (i.e. my fingers can do the work), but if I can't see the tab scrolling by I wouldn't even know a single bar from memory. It would be cool if they could add a mode where they blank out more notes the more you play the song in order to train your brain.
Towards the later stages (Level 7,8,9 in my case) I find I have to do a lot of practice outside of Yousician in order the train the really rote stuff. At the moment my practice time is about 50/50 exercises/Yousician. There just aren't enough rudiments in Yousician to get you through the harder stages without adding significant non-Yousician practice time.