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Any pointers to local distributors please?

    No one local as far as I am aware. You would have to bring in from the USA, the UK or Europe. Freight will be very costly, as much if not more than the speaker plus about 12% duties and vat.

      These guys do them for R3150 but they're $70 at Guitar Centre so that's silly money for a budget speaker.


      If you can afford to pay more for a Celestion these guys are slightly more in line with international prices (R3150 for a $150 G12M Greenback; they also have a Vintage 30 for under R2.9k).


        As an alternative JP at leroux amp works might be able to bring in WGS

          Thanks. I am looking for 8" speakers, Celestion only does 15 Watt.

            2 x 8" Celestion drivers in a custom cab, 200W power handling...
            Celestion TF0818 drivers..

            oh, and it's WAY too loud. I love it! ?
            And yes, it's mine! ?

            It's pretty much a Quilter Frontliner 2x8W Cab. but without the $700 asking price and shipping etc.

            So if you're in the JHB area and want to test it out, you're welcome to.

              Lastly, contact profaudio, the celestion agents in SA.
              I have had nothing but good dealings with them in getting the speakers I wanted.


              Super friendly and they'll help you out no problem!

              I did buy off Profaudio last year, Planning to do so again (8-15) and I looked at the "Hi-Fi" speakers too - yup, 50 Hz - 5000 Hz will do better than most guitar speakers. I shall look into it some more. In which case 8" will be big. One can then reduce to 6"? Hmm, 2 x 4" cab? See, upgrade to current cheap amp will be 8-15, and I might want to do the (future, still to be built, have kit in hand) 5 W amp with a "better" 8", I actually have a 10" on hand. But always looking for better sound... In "bedroom" size.

              Thanks for the comments guys, we at Profaudio do try to keep our customers happy.

              Norman 86 that cab looks stunning. TF0818 is an interesting choice, not really a guitar speaker but happy to hear that it works for you. Might be interesting if you post it on the Celestion International Facebook page.The first guitar speaker was the Celestion Blue which was really just a modified radiogram speaker so any of the high QTS less costly paper cone speakers could work out well.

              modulator have a chat to JP Le Roux if you feel the extra 5W over the Eight 15 is a must. He does bring in Jensen and may be able to source others as well. He is also one of my biggest Celestion customers.

              The thing to remember with guitar speakers is that are made to perform and distort in a very specific way unlike PA speakers which are trying to be reasonably accurate to their input.

              What is starting to really put the cat amongst the pigeons is the move to profiler amps such as the Kemper and other similar ideas. Now we need an accurate speaker that responds like a guitar speaker but does not colour what the profiling amp is trying to do. Celestion of course will have this covered soon.

              Thanks, I am looking around to see if I can find a "better" option, unheard. Jensen Mod 8 looks like a good bet as well. The new Celestion Redback looks promising, but the F12-X200 seems to be the best bet here. Basically a Hi-Fi type speaker? Now, if I unscrew the compression driver, should be just what we need in "normal" amps. Very nice response curve.

              JGP, you might whisper in Celestion's ear that a few (not many) players would still want a good, very good 8 inch driver... Although the 8 - 15 is rated above it's price, something even Better. Sold.

                Sorry, one of the amps here is a Tube type, rated 15 Watts. If I understand correctly, one requires more than 15 Watts at the speaker side of things, that is why I am looking at more power. It does switch to 5 Watts, but really, why bother? Currently running a 10-30 with it, how long before the speaker is "run in"? I have an A-type on hand for that amp, but may never (?) (soon) need to build that cabinet. I do believe the A-type will give a fuller sound, so, it is a definite project. Hmm, and the never-ending spiral to more Tubes, maybe I actually really need that 18 Watt tube amp?

                Hah, 200 W speaker on a small amp? I have read somewhere that the response curves and dB rating is done at 1 Watt? Bear in mind that you do not often (well, I do not) pump up the Hi-Fi to Flying Squad Intervention levels, and normally (?) listen a reasonably low levels, and still expect good sound. Thus 150 W speaker at 2 Watt. Good to go. OK, better at 10 Watt. Room too small. Would really like a 15 Watt tube amp....

                Aside, I have listened to a Macintosh amp, with big, giant B&O speakers, for that room, 5 Watts were plenty. Good at 15 Watt. Many Watts available, to drive Bass. Which we as guitar players do not have. Any electrostatic "bedroom" guitar amp-speakers out there?

                  I actually wanted to do a 2x6 with the TF0615 speakers but there was a stock issue.
                  then decided to do the 8's instead. I think I would have been happy with the 6's too, also very high power handling.

                  Quilter Amplifiers use the hifi speakers in their cabs, and I understand why. They just sound so good!
                  I have Eminence drivers too, but these Celestions are just a really good match for my Quilter 101 mini.

                  • JGP replied to this.

                    I have 2 Jensen Mod 8 speakers, one is 4 ohm and the other is 8 ohm. Let me know if you would be interested.

                      I will send you my email address if I can figure out how send a pm. Do I send a pm by clicking on the 'eye' button?

                        Sorry guys there's no PMs in this software but I'm busy writing an extension for it.

                        In the meanwhile, you can post your email here like this:

                        Email: norio <at> guitartalk <dot> co <dot> za (This prevents bots from spamming you.)

                        Otherwise you can also link to any social media profiles you have. People can then message you there.

                        For example, for Facebook I'd put: https://www.facebook.com/norri

                          JohanP, you can SMS me your details on

                          oh severn too sero eight 7 5 tree one 9

                          We need that PM thingie...

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