Update: It's on! Click here for details.
I was on YouTube, playing some old favourites of theme songs for TV shows I used to watch as a kid and I thought that it might be cool for us to do a challenge where we cover our favourite childhood TV theme song.
Who's in?
I'm in! If I have time.
Sounds cool. How would copyright etc. work?
Got to rock some old school SABC simulcast...
peterleroux Sounds cool. How would copyright etc. work?
There's a lot of these covers out there on YouTube. I don't think it'll be an issue. And if it is, the first thing they do is a "cease and desist" letter. At which point we'll just cease and desist ?
In the meanwhile, let's have some fun!
I think a funk vs djent version of the A-Team will be a laugh - there's actually a sweet interplay between the rhythm and harmony bits...hmmm
Going to give it a shot
Since I'm back ,I've got a bit of free time... Does it have to be ancient stuff? or current shows are ok?
exsanguinator let's keep it nostalgic this time. We can definitely do a modern one as well, down the line.
So are we doing this?
wern101 Was wondering the same thing last week, been jamming something that's taking shape.
@NorioDS ?
V8 least you are prepared... i got nothing
Sorry guys, been hectic and had some personal issues.
@Stoffeltoo you happy to run with this?
Dibs on Macgyver... ?
wern101 Dibs on Macgyver... ?
Allll yours ? Though that one fellow did compose a lot of the 80's TV theme's....
studmissile Will be good just to get back into the swing of recording?
Sounds like fun.
V8 wasn't it ol' mike post and ol' pete carpenter's names i recall seeing, i dunno, about a bajillion times on the credits of 80s tv shows as theme composers?
magnum, macguyver, the a team, to name a few or me personal faves.
V8 Allll yours ? Though that one fellow did compose a lot of the 80's TV theme's...
Weeeelllll.... seems a bit more difficult than it sounds...i thought it would be 'chEasy' but... not so much.
domhatch I was thinking of Mike Post (couldn't recall his name though) coz' of the A-Team theme - I honestly thought he also did MacGyver (he didn't - that was Randy Edelman)
But he did loads : LA Law (dun-dun!), Hill Street Blues, NYPD Blues,\ Chips, Magnum P.I were the ones I recognized.
V8 quite so. looking thru my itunes i discovered (to my horror!) at least three tv theme albums. thankfully, there was a lot of duplication ito content.
ever had one of those 'how the hell did that get on there?' moments? that was me... on itunes... with all o' them theme tune albums...
wern101 Actually rather intricate things these theme tunes? I'm picking one with a super strong melody, that I know really well - so the rest of it I can fake as long as the melody is recognizable.
domhatch Errrmm, more often than not it's how did that get onto my guitar stand. :sleuth_or_spy: