Hello there! Wow! My password worked like a charm! Thanks for taking precious time out to get the website up as you like.
Well, I'm Raine Carosin, and I collaborate with quite a few different people - I just go with the flow! I'm not pressed to make money out of my music, though I did give it a good try, but didn't succeed at all. Seems it takes money to make money - it's true! Hard fact!
My YouTube channel has quite a bit of my music endeavours on it, but very little guitar. Since about five or more years ago, when the arthritis first started, I had to start taking it easy, and now the dust piles up - literally!
But, I did write a song last year called DUST and I was over the Moon when Graeme Robertson (VORTEXIA) from England (whom I've never met face to face) spurred and pushed me to get the song finished! I have no regrets now, f'sure! We formed a duo called TRONADA many years ago and haven't looked back!
Currently (but on hold) there's a song for which I have the lyrics, but Graeme says that the guitar work I've managed (I can only play a few chords) aren't interesting enough and may sound very similar to Dust, so I have to rework it when I get time.
I had a wonderful experience when I took advantage of an offer from Uriel Natero (UrielPiano) to turn one of my songs into a piano instrumental. It's called I WANNA TAKE YOU FOR GRANTED. I tell you, OVERWHELMED is not the word! It's so beautiful! I could cry again!
If you have a song you'd like the same done, approach Uriel. I personally recommend Recording Studio - On Line - Producción Musical
I don't know if that link will work, but anyways. He's awesome, I tell you, and totally very highly disciplined, and his work is exceptional. I am well and truly blessed, f'sure, to have had this amazing miracle happen to me!
Anyways, before I criticize myself so much that I lose the popularity contest within myself, let me invite you to browse my name. I'm the only combination of "raine" and "carosin" in the world at this time... so I'm easy to find.
You can find my poetry, art and other stuff on the WWW.
I'd best get on with chores and stuff.
Best to Y'All
Raine and Pierre