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  • Jan 1, 2020
  • Joined Mar 3, 2013
  • Attila hiya xxx been a long time since I got to walking the WWW about xxx hope All good xxx

    • Chabenda hiya xxx gees, WWW walkabouts been scarce for me xxx hope all good xxx

      • So here I am again! Just by a chance matrix glitch, here I am again, and I see with awe that I joined on the 13th of March... Wow! That was a while ago! And it's the 11th of March today! Wow!
        So, I see there's a competition! I can't enter because my home is kinda like a sick-bay at the moment and I can't make noise!
        However, this morning, early, as the birds and Sun were peeking out, I made some recordings of the condensation dripping down the drain pipe, and took some awesome shots of the changing sky! Awesome!
        Of course, I'm not too happy in some moments there when I realise that I'm a prisoner in a concrete jungle, but, I take a deep breath and carry on regardless! One day we'll all be where we want to be!
        Stay Awesome & Continue Making Good Memories!

      • Hello there! Wow! My password worked like a charm! Thanks for taking precious time out to get the website up as you like.
        Well, I'm Raine Carosin, and I collaborate with quite a few different people - I just go with the flow! I'm not pressed to make money out of my music, though I did give it a good try, but didn't succeed at all. Seems it takes money to make money - it's true! Hard fact!
        My YouTube channel has quite a bit of my music endeavours on it, but very little guitar. Since about five or more years ago, when the arthritis first started, I had to start taking it easy, and now the dust piles up - literally!
        But, I did write a song last year called DUST and I was over the Moon when Graeme Robertson (VORTEXIA) from England (whom I've never met face to face) spurred and pushed me to get the song finished! I have no regrets now, f'sure! We formed a duo called TRONADA many years ago and haven't looked back!
        Currently (but on hold) there's a song for which I have the lyrics, but Graeme says that the guitar work I've managed (I can only play a few chords) aren't interesting enough and may sound very similar to Dust, so I have to rework it when I get time.
        I had a wonderful experience when I took advantage of an offer from Uriel Natero (UrielPiano) to turn one of my songs into a piano instrumental. It's called I WANNA TAKE YOU FOR GRANTED. I tell you, OVERWHELMED is not the word! It's so beautiful! I could cry again!
        If you have a song you'd like the same done, approach Uriel. I personally recommend Recording Studio - On Line - Producción Musical
        I don't know if that link will work, but anyways. He's awesome, I tell you, and totally very highly disciplined, and his work is exceptional. I am well and truly blessed, f'sure, to have had this amazing miracle happen to me!

        Anyways, before I criticize myself so much that I lose the popularity contest within myself, let me invite you to browse my name. I'm the only combination of "raine" and "carosin" in the world at this time... so I'm easy to find.
        You can find my poetry, art and other stuff on the WWW.

        I'd best get on with chores and stuff.
        Best to Y'All
        Raine and Pierre

      • ?
        Gees, time flies!
        Hope you are all Well!
        Well, since I was last here, a lot has happened in my music world!
        Since I don't actually perform, and only go around to the karaoke bar down the road once in a blue Moon, I wasn't sure if you would class this as a performance, which it was for me :applause: :woohoo: - the climaxing birth of a song 'down' in a published poetry book I've written!
        I was so chuffed when I surprised myself with waking up after 'the time' to be able to tell myself I was not only a songwriter, but now also an author! (What I'm authorized to do is yet another challenge, but only to be taken after a long break!)
        So, if you're interested, please look me/us up.
        The collaboration is between myself and Graeme Robertson. We are a duo called TRONADA. Graeme goes by the name VORTEXIA on soundcloud and others.
        The song is called DUST.
        I'd most certainly love feedback, especially for Graeme, who took only my weak accoustic guitar effort and my hoarsey vocals and created a brill song! Even my Hubby doesn't mind it! :?
        Graeme's bass and guitar work, along with his amazing backing, strings - well, the whole production he did, is awesome to me, as I struggle here in my home country with no proper studio, and Graeme, in England, has the 'goods'!
        Then, on top of it all, I had the golden opportunity to hear that Amazon/Kindle published authors FOR FREE, and, although I'd tried many times before to publish myself, I gave it a bash, and WOW! Yes, the red tape around books now, too, has been slackened!
        So, all in all, since the first time the COMPUTER entered into my life, I now can say that if it wasn't for the net/WWW, I wouldn't have come this far!
        I'm chuffed! I just wanted to share with the Music Community!
        All the very best to Y'All!
        :dance: :bopping: :rolleyes:
        • ? Thank you so much... Really appreciated...
          • ???

            LOOK written and performed by RAine Carosin

            I wrote this song a good few years ago... Whatcha think? Totally home-grown... :-}

            (old forum) Poll Results: How did I do?

            • HURT MY SENSES: 1
            • I CAN RELATE: 0
            • NOT BAD: 1
            • I COULD LISTEN AGAIN: 1
            • ENCORE: 0
            • Hiya, Paul... Thanks ever so much for helping us out with all the great info... Great pics you must have on your fb page, but Pierre and I don't do fb or twitter... We'll get to taking some pics once all the guitars are in place... I'll post you to let you know, if I can figure out how to drive this site... Otherwise, hope all is well... Best wishes, RAine and Pierre
              • IBANEZ M-340 81091497J

                Hiya, Raine and Pierre here... hope you are all well... Just wondering if anyone can help us out here: We would like to know more about Pierre's Ibanez six/steel string acoustic, like what year it was made, where and how much it is currently worth.

                I tried a search on a particular site, but came up with no results. Can anyone assist us, please?

                Otherwise, all is well. We have found Taz, the best guitar repairer in S.A., right here on our doorstep in Primrose. We are in the process of having two other guitars repaired with him, and Pierre is very happy with the repair to the bridge of above-named Ibanez.

                Well, that's all from here for now... Will check email for any updates. Go well.
                Best regards to all
                Raine and Pierre
                • thanks for the warm welcome... we'll get 'round to it, i'm sure... Raine's got an Eko that's an antique, and an old Hondo and another little one for fun, and Pierre's got a Yamaha and an Ibanez. It's Sunday, and her camera is in for repairs, so, one of these days, Raine will post the pics. :-}
                  • Hello there... We are much older now than the guitar enthusiasts we were thirty years ago, but we have our guitars and play them now and again. Raine still manages to compose and sing some and has stuff on soundcloud, reverbnation, myspace, emeraz, and dabbles in art and writing. She's all over the net if you google her name. Pierre likes to stay in the background, working on his flightsim - he does repaints and gauges and stuff... Thanks for the forum and hello there... :-}