Hey guys here's the link to the 2nd Birthday Competition with links to all the entries. https://community.guitartalk.co.za/d/5488-birthday-competition-entries
Don't know if I'll have time to enter this time.
PeteM awesome! Thanks for finding that for us, Pete! Your entry kicked butt ?
PeteM wow! Tnx Pete. Those entries were awesome and provides some good ideas for this one. Getting excited.
Thanks @ - how you found that I dunno, it defeated both Norio and myself!
@ : Here's the 1st one from waaaayyyy back (2008) :https://community.guitartalk.co.za/d/251-theme-song-youve-got-2-weeks. Most of the links work (not all)
I'm kinda busy this month, but always up to lay down a bass track if anyone needs one! ?
Well it was 8 years ago V8. I'm surprised I found it myself.
Sorry about the duplication... I got a rejection on the first one, so I posted it again and both were posted.
PeteM I've also had that little bug popping up. I get a "error creating post" box at the bottom of the screen and then thinking that that post failed I click post again - seems to make double posting, had that twice today.
Hiya Meron, thanks. I might take you up on the offer. Will have a clearer idea by Sunday.
Yeah, had the same V8. I went into edit and deleted the duplication.
Well I have my basic idea and track down. I think I would like to collaborate with 2 people on this. 1 - Bass track @V8 - You keen? 2 - A nice (read - EPIC) solo. My finger speed isn't where it's supposed to be. Any takers?
wern101 My mannnn, I'll give it a bash :thumbup: Send me a link to it and I'll have a listen - (use my v8v8v8 email address from the challenges)
V8 have sent mail. Tnx!!!!!!!
Mine's In...but only due to the fact that I don't have more time. :-( Wanted to do so much more with this one but life got in the way again.
Eish! I had such good and wild ideas... but I have not even started yet
Entry submitted!
Received two entries so far, thanks gentlemen, expecting the floodgates to open soon.....
Tsk-tsk - only two entries so far.
That's it. I'm throwing my funky hat into the ring. I do have a loonnggg (and final, sniff-sniff) band practice tonite so don't expect anything particularly brilliant or polished. ?
It's like people don't WANT to win R1000 to spend on Takealot ?
@V8 Anything from your side will be awesome. NorioDS Thats ok. It dramatically improves my chances.??
I battled with this one, I had such good intentions BUT still determined to get something in..
Wellll....mine's in. It's what you'd expect...and a little less. ?