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  • Gear
  • Something to keep me busy for awhile....

so I recently decided I needed a new DIY Project Something I oh so enjoy.. Introducing my 5 string DIY Bass Guitar
    so First thing first, I Noticed the Back Cover was sitting proud... and that we cannot have That.. so out came the carving tools I almost forgot I had
      now I like colour and order.. and lines so we are putting on multiple colours. first to go on was the back, to test my skill in applying stains ( First time for everything )
        and while I'm Sorting the Body out and waiting for Stain to dry.. I Can start Playing with the Neck First Up.. Need to make a neck straight edge first i need to take one perfectly good straight edge ruler and grind the crap out of it
        More, more, please. Funny how we like to "keep busy". I would love to tackle a guitar build (several), but priorities must be adhered to.
          Patience.. More Progress to be made soon.. ?
          just thought I'd share the progress thus far made.

          And I agree, Love keeping busy, one must otherwise you fall into that soul sucking abyss of stagnation :'(.. and have been planing this for months now... as you said priorities..and one day I Might even tackle a completely from scratch build or at-least a scratch build body.. :dance:
            so after spending hours and hours and hours masking, remasking, changing my mind, and finally happy with the result I'm ready to stain
              well that didn't work according to plan.... going to have to clean up those lines somewhat
                Looks like the stain is bleeding into the wood. Maybe you need a wood filler to seal the wood and leave a smooth surface. Then masking and spraying would work I guess.
                  yup definitely bled, One reason why I did the back first was to see the effect the stain would have with masking tape and the amount it would bleed,, it was minimal all most non existent, so tackled the front.. masked off, burnished the masking tape.. and ended up with this >☹... I'll fix it up tonight, but of sanding should help lighten it up before applying the next color.

                  guess my burnishing skills need some work ?...
                    Nice one! Will be keeping a eye on this thread 8)

                    I assume this is a Blackbeards Den kit? Looks like a Ibby Soundgear style bass?

                    Wondering what that low B string is going to sound feel like - passive electronics?

                      Yup from Blackbeards.. and Yup based on a Ibby

                      Its got Massive Humbucker pickups..
                      Passive Electronics, and the Pots seem to be better quality than my Last DIY Project from them.
                      all in all I'm very happy with the overall quality of the kit.

                      as to that low End B string... Going to be interesting to Play.
                        The stain will bleed under the tape. My experience with trying to mask off areas indicated that masking tape is not what one uses. There is "frisket" (?) tape available from car paint outlets, a sort of plastic tape, can go around curves, and seems to stick well at the edges. But even with that I had bleeding, guess it's about the amount of thinners in the mix. As Greg said - you will have to prepare the wood well, then seal it with a top-coat compatible sealer, sand well, to a polish, to see any blemishes, and then do the colour part with (top-coat compatible) paint, sand well to get rid of the edge ridges, and clearcoat over all, hoping the clearcoat does not make the lines "bleed". The stuff I painted never had a clear coat, I merely sanded and polished the colour coat, but I know that will not work on a guitar where a mirror finish without polish marks (hard to get it all out...) is required. I never mastered the shiny, smooth, mirror final coat anyway.

                        Have fun.
                          i went looking for the right tape and got blank stares... guess i looked at the wrong shops.... didn't know what it was called though so guess "I'm looking for a masking tape that isn't masking tape didn't work good thing is Stain tends not to penetrate like thinners based paint. so a light sand does wonders i'll fix up the edges with some black later
                            so everything changes with with the white... man that starting to look like something.. :woohoo:
                              12 days later

                              so getting there
                              sealant applied, and almost ready for wiring..
                              I'm getting impatient now.... just want to put it all together and play...but have a few more things to do before then

                                Tuckstir For a second I thought it said Boss Series...which is why I play bass...just kiddin'.

                                Thanks for update, it's looking good! Still curious about that low B string's playability, It's modelled on the SR so here's hoping that it should be good...

                                I decided Any More Work On the finish was Just going to ruin it
                                so imperfection and all I've started putting it together.