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Hallo Paul

Have you given Albion amps any thought. I own a TCT 50 which is the bees knees when it comes to cleans. Plenty reviews on the tube. Not selling BTW ?
    Stoffeltoo wrote: Hallo Paul

    Have you given Albion amps any thought. I own a TCT 50 which is the bees knees when it comes to cleans. Plenty reviews on the tube. Not selling BTW ?
    I'll check it out! Thanks!
      guidothepimmp wrote: I would suggest having a chat with mr. JP le Roux 8)
      Thanks! I've been chatting with Benjamin from Craig Amps. Love his work and his amps. Just weighing up building myself vs contracting custom build vs buying a Jackson.
        Both Benjamin and JP Le Roux do good stuff and it's nice to support the local guys. I would suggest you look at a Celestion A Type speaker or, if the budget stretches far enough a Celestion Century Vintage both of which will do good clean tones with the right amp.
          Hi Paul E!

          The guys over at That Pedal Show play through a Fender Supersonic 60w (I think), and it's quite sparkly. I know that someone was selling a Genz Benz Black Pearl over at S.A. Music Store (on Fb) a while back. Demo here:

          I also thought the Bogner Duende might do the trick, but might be a little dark:

          If my ship were to ever come in, I'd get a Roland Blues Cube Artist: with a Robben Ford tone module:
            Fenders are known for the clean tones and they do them well, but they're not as crispy and bright as I'd like. I have looked at Fenders.

            It seems like a modified Vox AC15 may be what I'm after. Which is similar to what Craig Amps built the Brit15/30 after, but they modified it for the buyer. Even the Brit15 breaks up into a beautiful OD, but I'm not after that at all.

            Appreciate the suggestions, will take a look at them all.
              "Even the Brit15 breaks up into a beautiful OD, but I'm not after that at all."

              I am a bit late joining in on this but.....

              I own a CraigAmps Brit15 and I use it to play in church and to gig with.

              I have one of the first Brit15's without the "master" control, Benj has offered to ad it to the amp, but i love the amp as is.

              In church, I try and play as clean as possible and want my base tone to be "crispy clean" and the amp does exactly that, at other gigs i want the amp to start breaking up, and usually I can achieve it, except in smaller venues as the amp is to loud. The amp is so loud, that I have had to turn it down to hear the drummer.

              What I am trying to say is, the amp needs to be extremely loud to start breaking up, thus much louder than what you will use in a church. If you go the Brit30/Vox AC30 route, it will even be louder and stay cleaner for longer.

              IMO a Vox AC15 / Brit15 will be perfect for your needs.
                StefStoep wrote: "Even the Brit15 breaks up into a beautiful OD, but I'm not after that at all."

                I am a bit late joining in on this but.....

                I own a CraigAmps Brit15 and I use it to play in church and to gig with.

                I have one of the first Brit15's without the "master" control, Benj has offered to ad it to the amp, but i love the amp as is.

                In church, I try and play as clean as possible and want my base tone to be "crispy clean" and the amp does exactly that, at other gigs i want the amp to start breaking up, and usually I can achieve it, except in smaller venues as the amp is to loud. The amp is so loud, that I have had to turn it down to hear the drummer.

                What I am trying to say is, the amp needs to be extremely loud to start breaking up, thus much louder than what you will use in a church. If you go the Brit30/Vox AC30 route, it will even be louder and stay cleaner for longer.

                IMO a Vox AC15 / Brit15 will be perfect for your needs.
                Ah man, I'm glad you jumped in, that is super helpful to hear! Any chance you have some sound clips of your brit 15? I'd love to hear the clean tones. Assuming you're based in JHB and not Durban? haha, otherwise I'd love to come check it out!
                  Not based in Jhb or Durbs, actually just down the street from Benj in Nelspruit.....get to test all the goodies whenever i have time...

                  I don't have anything recorded but I bought the amp from Arjun Menon, also a forumite, and he did some recordings:

                  Maybe also search YouTube, Jaime Negrao has done some other demos of CraigAmp pedals and amps and he owns a Brit30, not sure if he has done any demos of it.

                  As far as I know there is a Brit15 in Durban, i think the owner is Ross Meintjies and plays for a band called Avade, https://www.facebook.com/AvadeMusic/ (stole the info from CraigAmps FB page). Maybe you can get in contact with him and go and test it? I'm sure Benj will be able to organize something for you with him as well.

                    5 days later
                    Perhaps have a look at the Moonshine Amps "The Still" by JP Le Roux. I have one that I use in church set pretty clean and it sounds beautiful. Probably more "Fender-y" than "Vox-y" but great tone none the less. Very well priced, all handwired.
                      krage wrote: Perhaps have a look at the Moonshine Amps "The Still" by JP Le Roux. I have one that I use in church set pretty clean and it sounds beautiful. Probably more "Fender-y" than "Vox-y" but great tone none the less. Very well priced, all handwired.
                      Kyle? That you buddy?
                        Also Paul, I'd say check out a Quilter.. I know there's a guy in Durban with a Problock200.
                        And if you happen to be in JHB sometime, you're welcome to try mine.
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