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  • Nov 7, 2019
  • Joined Jun 21, 2012
  • Perhaps have a look at the Moonshine Amps "The Still" by JP Le Roux. I have one that I use in church set pretty clean and it sounds beautiful. Probably more "Fender-y" than "Vox-y" but great tone none the less. Very well priced, all handwired.
    • Got my confirmation for the Guitar Weekend on monday... by the sound of things some thermal jocks are in order! ☹
      • In Hi
        Hi all,

        I started playing guitar and bass while at school, mostly in church bands, and one or 2 other bands after school. Stopped playing for too long, and started again about a year or 2 ago when my missus and brother got me the PRS Tremonti SE for christmas...

        My tastes in music are varied, but been listening to (and attempting to play) stuff like alter bridge, paramore, slash, flyleaf etc.