wern101 wrote:
Lu22 wrote:
Telkom all the way.
Yes they are evil, yes they suck, but they own the backbone, so every other ISP goes through them anyway, so its better to go direct.
But before you look at adsl, see if Telkom has any slots in your area for Unlimited Broadband LTE. 800 bucks a month for uncapped LTE. Cost to speed it's far better. I'm in a great reception area, and my downloads are on average 7 meg per second. My meter is on 857gb for august alone.
Thanks Lu. Thing is these other providers can gimme uncapped for cheaper than telkom can....which is kinda weird.
We are outside of town and don't really have telkom wireless reception. I walked that road in the past and not again. i do have a fixed line at the moment with Telkom and it works, but i need proper uncapped.
Im with mweb, adsl line and "uncapped" data. Its ok I suppose.
It works and mweb have good customer service, much better than telkom who im very familiar with as ive had their uncapped as well for about a year.
Keep in mind that there are no uncapped in South Africa, you WILL get throttled to hell and back if you go over the acceptable user limit, its usually 70 - 75GB withing a 30 day window. If you plan on using more than that a month rather get a capped account.
Im on the uncapped because I never use more than say 60GB in a month ever, usually way less than that and WAS cheaper for me to have this uncapped account than to pay for a capped account with a data cap of 75GB
Mweb do have a 75GB day time data plus 75GB midnight data capped account for R299, thats with adsl line rental included.