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  • Competitions
  • August Challenge - For the Hammerchewers - Anything Goes!

Anything Goes!

For us mere mortals slaving away in our home studio's...Anything goes this month! I can't recall a more open GFSA challenge topic. It's not a song challenge, mini challenge or anything in particular. It's a RWYB (run what ya brung) event...enter whatever you like!

Rules :

1. Original entries only please.
2. No time limits, no track limits.

If you would like to enter, send me an email (v8v8v8 at gmail dot com) by Monday 29th August, with :
1. GFSA username.
2. Track name.
3. Category (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)
3. Track rendered in mp3.
4. Optional blurb. Anything you might feel is useful to the listener - info about song, studio, recording techniques, etc..

Don't forget - collaborations are encouraged.
    ok... 28 days to go... I've recorded one almost complete cover song (needs drums still)... so MAYBE if I pull finger I can actually lay down an original track and submit it. :-[
      Going to try for this one. No Electric guitars at the moment!
        I'm going to try throw my hat in the ring this time.

          I'm in..........will enter the "for the Pro's" Challenge.

            Have a few ideas and hope I can nail it before the deadline.
            TokyoP0P wrote: I'm going to try throw my hat in the ring this time.
            Tokyo, with the mad riffs and vids you are pumping out you should consider entering the 'pro's' challenge! :bopping: :applause:
              TokyoP0P wrote: I'm going to try throw my hat in the ring this time.
              That would be great!

              Fantastic idea with the pro challenge too, Meron!

                Yeaaahh, nicely gents - let's hear it, plenty of time to something together ?
                  I was thinking of entering here but then I do play for money so I will probably enter in the pro one.
                    PeteM wrote: I was thinking of entering here but then I do play for money so I will probably enter in the pro one.
                    The distinction between the two challenges is a bit vague - The way I'm thinking of it is : if you are going to record a new work for the challenge, in your home studio - then you'd probably want to enter in the advanced hammer-chewers. If you have a existing song, recorded in a studio - then you'd want to enter the pro challenge.
                      Meron Rigas wrote:
                      PeteM wrote: I was thinking of entering here but then I do play for money so I will probably enter in the pro one.
                      The distinction between the two challenges is a bit vague - The way I'm thinking of it is : if you are going to record a new work for the challenge, in your home studio - then you'd probably want to enter in the advanced hammer-chewers. If you have a existing song, recorded in a studio - then you'd want to enter the pro challenge.
                      Okay, I'll probably enter here then.
                        12 days later
                        Allo All,

                        Sadly the pro challenge fizzled out this month - was hoping that it would give us some inspiration to hear some tracks before the hammer-chewer deadline...

                        We may see some pro's in the advanced category this month - time will tell!
                          I've just posted my entry... How's everyone doing?
                            PeteM wrote: I've just posted my entry... How's everyone doing?
                            Haven't even started yet..... ☹
                              Mine's going in now. Prolly intermediate
                                Stoffeltoo wrote: And it's in!
                                Yip, got it, thanks!

                                That makes 3 entries thus far - and so far ahead of the deadline too...well done gents! :goodtimes:
                                  Stoffeltoo wrote: And it's in!
                                  ? ... I need to get my behind in gear.
                                  Meron Rigas wrote: That makes 3 entries thus far - and so far ahead of the deadline too...well done gents! :goodtimes:
                                  I don't think these people have jobs. ? or family ? (jus kidding) Well done guys!

                                  I 'happened' on a song yesterday and hope to be able to get it done before the deadline.

                                  My wife got an Ipad as a gift and I discovered garageband. 8) (No more Ipad for her) It looks pretty neat. Haven't had the time to properly figure it out yet. I did a little song with the 'smart strings' and was very impressed with the functionality.

                                  Has anyone used garageband to do a drum track with in the past?
                                    Youtube for garageband tips Wern.
                                    If you do sound Google is your friend ?
                                      Stoffeltoo wrote: Youtube for garageband tips Wern.
                                      If you do sound Google is your friend ?
                                      Lol. yes yes I know. Was just wondering if someone had used it before? I'm probably gonna do it anyway, but just wondering if its 'better' (opinions i know) then the MT Power drum kit I use with reaper.

                                      Will see how it pans out...or left...or right.. ?