I don't know anything about Music Mate partnering with but they were definitely Marshall Music before.
- In MARS Music?
- Definitely in!
Oh thats a different Barry. They jammed together back in Natal where she is originally from. Hes actually the original bass player from the Rudimentals.Foottapiologist wrote: I was listening to a track of yours on soundcloud and noticed the two names up in the corner and googled your names or googled the song/band name or whatever, don't remember, and came up with some songs on youtube. See when you're an accomplished artist the fans stalk you :?
I guess shes just collecting Barrys.
Thanks Foot.Foottapiologist wrote: Really cool tune.
By the way I bumped into Claire on a movie shoot the other day. I had watched a video of the two of you jamming and one or maybe two days later I saw this blonde number walking along on set and thought my mind was playing tricks on me. "Scuse me are you a singer?"
Haha ah so that was you. Yeah she told me about it. She messaged me saying something like "I got recognized!! Did you post us online or something?" ?
But thats not me in any video. Or at least none that I'm aware of... unless she ninja filmed me.
- Spires - Candy Flip
This is the guitar part for a song in the works with the band, but I really like the guitars on their own so I've just thrown it up on my personal SC.
- Thanks guys! :goodtimes:
- Hey ya'all ? I've got a band in the works now and we've just started a soundcloud.
It would be amazing if you could follow and like. Every bit of support helps.
Cheers! - Damn, I really had a tough time deciding between AJB's metal track and Averatu's metal track.
Both had me reminiscing over my teen years and my years in a thrash metal band.
Meron, your track is rad :bopping:
I was really hoping to get one in but my band and I didn't get around to recording anything last weekend. - Brilliant.
What are you using to achieve that lead guitar tone? Amps, pedals, etc. - I work 10 minutes away from Guitar Centre.
I live 5 minutes away from Mars Music.
8) - Well, its a cover of The Loner by Gary Moore so you'll find loads of tabs for both the lead and the rhythm online.
- I'm going to try throw my hat in the ring this time.
- Some drunken thing I came up with in the wee hours on the morning.
This is a slightly revised version.
- A funk riff I recorded a while back.
And some old solos.
Oh, I deleted the slowed down version because it just didn't sound right. I reduced the speed on my DAW so the pitch and everything just went completely wack and I'm too lazy to record it slower right now.studmissile wrote:
has been deleted? can't get it?TokyoP0P wrote: One more riff for the day.
the original does feel a little too nippy?
that's a great piece. at first wasn't too keep on the guitar tone, but it does grow on you quickly!TokyoP0P wrote:
And yeah I agree about the guitar tone. I hate this bloody Line6 interface and Gearbox. So limited. Nothing sounds anything like my Fender amp :/