domhatch wrote:
However, one thing I do know is that there is nothing right with the action on this guitar. There's about an inch (ok, I lie, let's say a good 5-6mm) between the strings and the fretboard at around the 10th fret. And the saddle is very high. Is it as easy as sanding down the saddle at the next restring?
Yip, it is as easy as sanding the saddle down. The nut might be a touch high as well - but usually it's the saddle that is sky high. The new C40M I looked at on Saturday has a skyscraper of a saddle. This isn't a exotic material and replacements can be sourced without much drama if you mess it up.
Since there's no undersaddle pickup, you don't even need to be overly precise about getting the bottom perfectly flat. Basically, mark the saddle with the amount you want to drop by (let's say 1mm), put some 150grit on a flat surface (tempered glass) and sand until the mark - dbl check the bottom is flat and re-install - rinse & repeat if necessary. If you remove too much by mistake, you can use a thin piece of plastic/veneer to shim it up again.
Foottapiologist wrote:
You'll always get those who say they've lowered their classical action to Xmm but the classicals have pretty high action generally so think twice before applying "standard" steel string thinking to it.
Indeed, I am
that guy. But when you've spent 3-4hrs/day toiling away on flamenco techniques, anything that helps to make a more comfortable guitar = than much less time at the physio.