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Here are [url=http://www.thegearjunkie.co.za/store/c1/Featured_Products.html]The Gear Junkie's[/url] sponsored entrants

2 Votes, one per category.


[b]Stoffeltoo [/b]- Surf n Turf http://guitarforum.co.za/gfsacomps/mp3s/stoffeltoo.mp3

DAW - Audacity Audio interface - Lexicon Lambda Guitar lead and rhythm Taylor 214CE Percussion Taylor 214CE

[b]Squonk[/b] - Bazley Beach http://guitarforum.co.za/gfsacomps/mp3s/squonk.mp3

Takamine Acoustic ->Zoom G2->HP Laptop Tried to get some surfy acoustic sounds!


[b]V8 [/b]- One More Time http://guitarforum.co.za/gfsacomps/mp3s/v8.mp3

Blurb : Reminiscing about a Mozambique surf-ari.

Guitar : Nylon acoustic -> Track 1(panned 15% L) D.I w/reverb. Track 2 (panned 15% R) AKG 1000S mic w/reverb. Vocals : AKG 1000S mic w/reverb & a little delay. And Ozone 5 on the Master track to bring up the levels a bit

[b]Studmissile [/b]- Bombora Boogie! http://guitarforum.co.za/gfsacomps/mp3s/studmissle.mp3

[b]TokyoPop[/b]- Long Days on Longboards http://guitarforum.co.za/gfsacomps/mp3s/tokyopop.mp3

Happy voting. 8)

(old forum) Poll Results: please vote

  • Squonk: 6
  • Stoffeltoo: 2
  • V8: 0
  • Studmissle: 7
  • TokyoPop: 1
    Was late at night. Here is a LOUDER version

      Stud's entry doesn't seem to be working. At least on my end.
        Mines 404!

        The Title is: Bombora Boogie!

        Let's Go Trippin' (Tribute to Dick Dale and The Deltones)

        Adrian Rogowski wrote: fixed.
          TokyoP0P wrote: Stud's entry doesn't seem to be working. At least on my end.
          Same on my end
            Stoffeltoo: Great melody and musicianship, reminded me of Chris Rea.
            Percussion Taylor 214CE?: Was that "heart beat" tapping on the guitar mic'd or direct through the expression system?

            Squonk: Really loved the composition and atmosphere! Thanks for posting the louder version, it
            made a difference!

            ....One Tough call, awesome playing and entries from both of you, will honestly have to flip a coin!

            V8: PLUS for vocals, loved the end bit!. Really chilled and catchy number, great playing!

            TokyoPop: A cool breezy cocktail of fusion with a hawaiian twist! ...superb!

            Solid turn out gentlemen, missed the beginners though!

            Best of luck to all!
              The "heart beat" tap was direct through the expression system.
              Stud, thanks for the kind feedback ? As usual I am much more critical of my own work and every "mistake" in my minds eye screams at me and threatens to undermine my confidence for future compositions

              BTW your entry was sterling with very much a Ventures surf rock flavour. I feel you have pinned it perfectly.

                Ahhh, voting time. Been putting it off - on the 1st listen it was tough to decide. Usually there's obvious winners for me, but not this time. the entries were very competitive!

                Squonk : Lovely playing, as always (I'm a fan). So lovely - if it wasn't for the levels - I'd say you could consider bumping yourself up to advanced.

                Stoffeltoo : 3 tracks? Only noticed when I stuck the headphones on and listened through - the percussion worked nicely on the track - great idea.

                TokyoPop : Great playing! Really, really tasty stuff. The intro was very beachy, had me envisaging chilling with a ukulele in a hammock and set the rest of the track up quite sweetly.

                Studmissile : My favourite of the tracks. Pure surf rock 'n roll - and the drums... :bopping: Superb!
                  Well done Squonk ...... smooth ....... love the tone as well !!
                  Vote done !!
                    Stud's entry was exactly what I was hoping someone would come up with for this theme.
                      Squonk excellent piece. Put me on the Houtbay harbour eating fish and chips.
                      V8, the classical worked, loved the balance and the vocals blended perfect. Tofu beach in Barra with a Caparenja!
                      Tokyo. I liked the jazzy Hawaiian sound you got from this. It conjured pictures of pretty hola girls, floral shirts and Magnum PI

                      All sterling entries.
                      My votes have been cast.

                      V8, yes unfortunately three tracks but the piece would have sounded rather crappy without it as the guitar was having a conversation with me. I decided to leave in at the peril of judgement
                        Congratz Squonk, Studmissile & Stoffeltoo :goodtimes: (Think there's some collusion going on here, the three S's ?)

                        Now to see what Adrian has up his sleeve...super curious!
                        Stoffeltoo wrote: V8, yes unfortunately three tracks but the piece would have sounded rather crappy without it as the guitar was having a conversation with me. I decided to leave in at the peril of judgement
                        Ahhh, no judgements here - observations only. Most important for me that we experiment with creativity and learn during the process than apply 'rules' in black and white. Otherwise I would have given up a looonnng time ago!

                        Thanks to you and Stud for the feedback - my piece was a mic test, that AKG kicks ass -the guitar sound is the closest I've gotten to capturing what I'm hearing in the room.
                          Winners, you know what to do. Send me the deets please ?
                            Thanks for the votes and positive feedback! Well done Squonk!....and all!
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