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[b]BEGINNER[/b] [b]Hasie "Lurking in the Dark"[/b] [i]http://guitarforum.co.za/gfsacomps/mp3s/Hasie.mp3 This is not up to the standard I would have liked. Did three tracks. It might be horrifyingly bad. 4/4 at 90 bpm in the key if C minor Recording Setup: Yamaha YDP-162 -> Behringer UCA222 -> PC Yamaha APX500ii -> Yamaha THR10 -> PC[/i]

[b]ADVANCED[/b] [b]Studmissile "She Wants A Reason"[/b] http://guitarforum.co.za/gfsacomps/mp3s/studmissile.mp3 [i]Scariest thing I could come up with![/i]

[b]Tokyopop "Broken walls with wooden doors"[/b] http://guitarforum.co.za/gfsacomps/mp3s/Tokyopop.mp3

(old forum) Poll Results: please vote

  • Hasie: 2
  • studmissile: 2
  • Tokyopop: 8
    Thank you Adrian for the getting the voting up.

    Loved the entries. Great work! :goodtimes:
      Good Stuff

      Stud - you almost get a Twin Peaks- Chris Isaak thing going which is definately eerie!
        Tokyo - Brilliant, the piano bits really make it sound eerie.

          Nice work to all the entrants - that wasn't a easy topic?

          Hasie : I dig the volume swell-y/synth-y line adding some somberness, though it eventually felt dirge-like towards the end. Perhaps the melody guitar giving it a bit of a rip would been a counterpoint.

          Studmissile : Not quite sure of the halloween-ness of this one? Still a fine track...though, should I mention the drums? ?

          Tokyo - Great work, instant slasher movie theme tune! Had me thinking "One, two, Freddy is gonna". Were ya not tempted to throw some drums & bass in for the last 20s?
            V8 wrote: Nice work to all the entrants - that wasn't a easy topic?
            Say no more. I tried and got nothing!
              Agreed that this wasn't an easy topic (as reflected by the dearth of entries, perhaps)

              Stud - playing recording quality = amazing!! (depth, space, placement, clarity.....need I say more)
              Tokyo - Cool, "scariness" emphasized in that last interval?
              Hasie - "scary" intervals used effectively I thought
                Surprise prize!

                R250 Takealot.com voucher to the winner.

                Oooh. Twisty turny surprises. What will I do next? (Probably go pee but maybe not. You don't know.)

                *doom doom doommm*
                  Cool surprise Norio.
                    Well done guys. KEEPING THE FAITH!

                    Hasie, Nice one, actually really like progression on this, especially the first half. Subtle and creepy!

                    TokyoPOP: Spooky master class, wish I could fault you! ?

                    Best of luck to all!

                    Norio, you get my vote this month! ?

                      6 days later
                      Well done Tokyo - Extremely worthy winner this month!

                      And a big up to Norio for the surPrize, awesome work!
                        Congratulations TokyoP0P.

                          Thank you!!

                          There are some albums I've been eyeballin' on Takealot. HAIM's Days Are Gone in particular. Amazing album by three sisters. Give it a listen if you haven't already.

                            Whoop whoop! Congrats ?

                            PM me your email address when I can send your voucher!
                              And we need to start thinking of mini comp challenge. Brew the ideas :goodtimes:
                                Boom! Voucher is on its way, brother! Congrats :)
                                  Than you Norio, email received.
                                    Adrian Rogowski wrote: And we need to start thinking of mini comp challenge. Brew the ideas :goodtimes:
                                    I was going to say that given the season, something "beachy" could make for a cool challenge, but perhaps thats better suited for the longer challenge?