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This is a dope idea. Hopefully it takes off.


The community is mostly crickets for now but it appears to be a very new site so who knows, maybe it will pick up in the near future.

    TokyoP0P wrote: This is a dope idea. Hopefully it takes off.


    The community is mostly crickets for now but it appears to be a very new site so who knows, maybe it will pick up in the near future.

    No harm in joining I guess. One needs to get one name out there. ?
      This is an awesome idea. Thanks for the find TokyoP0P!

      Biggest challenge is writing my own music to upload though.
        a month later
        Lu22 wrote: This is an awesome idea. Thanks for the find TokyoP0P!

        Biggest challenge is writing my own music to upload though.
        I suppose any kind of demonstration of what you're into and capable of would be fine. A medley of some of your favourite original work. Fade in and out of different riffs.

        I myself haven't yet joined.
          2 months later
          Along similar lines, but not, if you know what I mean, this thing is well worth checking out: https://hitrecord.org. Do a good deal of digging through the site/community before you diss it as one more POS attempt to wangle you out of your hard-earned creativity...

            That is cool.

            Not many musicians on there at the moment, I hope it picks up.

            It could become a nice way to discover new talent.
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