Chocklit_Thunda wrote:
Been a fan for a long time! Just never had the cash to get a set....
The thin, almost microphonic tone these things put out is right in my ballpark! Always been a lover of those quirky Japanese and European guitars with the non conventional pickups
You know that's one thing I've realised is that the majority of guitar players, world wide, don't really know the value of some obscure brands like Teisco and Magnatone for example. It's great that we're still able to pull out some tone gems out of the time vault. On the other side of the coin though, ambitious folk tend to believe that vintage = quality, therefore a lot of $$$. Wrong!
However, I enjoy scouring for the mule gear that play AND sound like a purebred. ?
I've heard the Gold Foil pickups combined with a VOX AC30, Brett Kingman, and they sounded pretty thin too me. I initially thought they would pair great due that both have a nice chime, however that was not the case unfortunately. With a proper tweed amp though they sound AMAZING. My favourite single coils are the Lollar Charlie Christian pickups and these Gold Foil pickups. They're very different, slightly dark vs bright, but both are harmonically rich and ring like bells. Tim Lerch knows what's up. 8)