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Hey guys.

Does anyone know if we can find mother of pearl or abalone locally for inlay work?
If not, what is available locally that one can use for inlays?

    I have not been able to find any locally. I buy MoP & inlay on eBay. There are a lot of good suppliers in Israel + cheaper shipping.
    Cutting MoP is very difficult and takes a lot of patience and time to perfect. It probably like calligraphy - not everyone will be able to get it right. The dust is also an serious health hazard.

    I am going to have some inlays CNC cut by specialialist in the States. If you are interested in combining an order, then let me know. I am planning to make my own CNC machine in a year or so, and will be able to offer that service when done, but for now I have not been able to find any materials or anyone willing to cut locally.
      Hi Neil, I found Abalone shells at hock shops and junk stores. We all had perlemoen shells for ashtrays before we realised how stupid it was to smoke.! Otherwise, if you don't mind cheating a bit, go onto ebay, - there are places in china that sell pre-cut shapes. The other places to look are scrapbooking shops that sell beads, you may find some pearl beads. Good luck, K.
        Thanks guys!

        Lapdawg I'll let you know if I need anything. I'm still looking at what is available locally even if it isn't mother of pearl or abalone. Though those materials are very good looking on a guitar. The cnc idea is great. South Africa does seem to lack when it comes to parts and inlays etc. So having someone that can fill a hole in those departments will truly be an asset to us.
          Check with Wayne Prichard as well he might have a local supply
            Contact Marc Maingard... he builds world famous guitars and lives near the beach somewhere near East London I think.


            He will definitely know or probably supply you himself
              2 months later
              Hey guys. Sorry to revive this old thread but I was wondering if anybody has seen/had dealings with these guys. They are based in Durban and laser cut mother of pearl and abalone specially for guitars from what I can tell.

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