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Good stuff Brian.

Just listened to the whole bunch!
    Squonk wrote: Good stuff Brian.

    Just listened to the whole bunch!
    Thanks for listening Squonk - much appreciated!
      13 days later
      This is the 11th and second last track for this phase of the project - so only one to go!;

      The other tracks are at this link

      For those who have taken time out to listen and also to comment so far, thanks for doing so, much appreciated!

      Funny how the tracks that I like more, or that I am more satisfied with, are not necessarily the ones that the audience will prefer? ?
        Train of Revival sounds a bit like an unreleased Skid Row song. Love it. I also dug the ending with the train.
          TokyoP0P wrote: Train of Revival sounds a bit like an unreleased Skid Row song. Love it. I also dug the ending with the train.
          Train of Revival - I really like that!
            studmissile wrote:
            TokyoP0P wrote: Train of Revival sounds a bit like an unreleased Skid Row song. Love it. I also dug the ending with the train.
            Train of Revival - I really like that!
            Thanks chaps! ?
            Got some ideas for lyrics for this one - next project
              16 days later
              There we have it - 12 recorded songs!
              For those that are still listening the 12th and final track for this project is at

              the other tracks are at

              What I have learned
              >the importance of gain staging aka levels settings to minimizing hiss
              (special thanks to those offering advice on this one - see this post http://www.guitarforum.co.za/recordings/that-hissing-aaaargh/#sthash.vxr7e0eI.dpuf)
              >know your songs before recording them - it just saves so much time
              >there's a LOT of music out there that the wants to be listened to!
              >the tracks that I like the most are not going to be the ones that everyone else seems to like
              >keep the processing minimal when mixing i.e. if it does not improve the sound you don't need to use it
              >you're never going to get it perfect so go for it and the best with what you have - else you will never get anything done

              So now on to the mixing phase - without decent monitoring this is going to be challenging but the literature advises that using reference tracks helps, in fact is essential.
              The original soft deadline of 30 September for mixed and mastered is going to be tight?
                The new track is nice and very catchy with some rad runs in there.
                briang wrote:
                >the tracks that I like the most are not going to be the ones that everyone else seems to like
                So which are the songs you liked the most that others seemed to like less?
                  TokyoP0P wrote: The new track is nice and very catchy with some rad runs in there.
                  briang wrote:
                  >the tracks that I like the most are not going to be the ones that everyone else seems to like
                  So which are the songs you liked the most that others seemed to like less?
                  Based on the number of plays the most liked are Now That I Need You and Strumming The Line
                  I had positive feedback from more than one individual on Spanish Stallion and Train Of Revival ?
                  As they are my "babies" I like them all - My favorites are Strumming The Line and When You're Alone ?
                  The "release" order obviously also has an impact on how many plays one gets
                  - people possibly more enthusiastic to listen to earlier releases than later ones, or is the quality not captivating enough?
                  So, with this vast store of data, I have something that can help with ordering songs for an album ?

                  List: Number of plays, positive feedback ?, and my favorites ?
                  1. Strumming The Line 94 ?
                  2. Spanish Stallion 51 ?
                  3. Think Quick 42
                  4. Oh, Its Blue 24
                  5. Jay Is Gone 23
                  6. Canary's Shoes 25
                  7. You Capture My Imagination 39
                  8. Now That I Need You 99
                  9. I am Invisible 27
                  10. A Short Journey 38
                  11. Train of Revival 21 ?
                  12. When You're Alone 16 ?
                    22 days later
                    So with the recording side of things done, final mixing phase is underway and......

                    My experience so far is that this is difficult, very difficult, depressingly difficult, and, some shortcomings are now apparent:
                    >timing and subsequent alignment to the grid, for the song and between tracks, on some recordings, leaves something to be desired
                    >the above point is hampering editing on the effected recordings (necessitating a re-recording of said songs!)
                    >so I thought I had the mic in the right place to get the sound I wanted....well, not always
                    >sound treatment of the room used for recording is also essential (wish list item#1)
                    >adequate monitoring is absolutely essential for the mix down process - I do not own studio monitors (wish list item#2!)so have to make do with what I have at the moment and while not ideal there are ways "around" this (e.g. reference tracks)

                    Notwithstanding the above I am further along the learning curve than I was four months ago and the goal for this project, as it should be for any endeavor, is to "be finished, not perfect". So will forge ahead with the layman's mix-down and "mastering" phases.

                    To those who have so far followed my progress, listened to the draft tracks and provided feedback, encouragement and suggestions, very much appreciated - thank you.

                      3 months later
                      So I have tried my hand at editing/mixing the songs in this project -
                      new respect gained for mixing and mastering engineers!!

                      Those who would like to can take a listen can do so here;

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