has anyone here have a program/info for CNC machine to cut a telecaster body ...
telecaser CNC program?
are you going the custom built route?
yes i have a few builds already all done by hand .......... but now someone i know aquired a cnc machine and i would love to be able to have a program to get a tele body (just 50's vintage) no body contours just the plank with the neck and pickup routes ....i have some old wood (reclaimed) i'd love to make a barncaster or two out of ....studmissile wrote: are you going the custom built route?
Wow, that would be so cool!Keira WitherKay wrote:yes i have a few builds already all done by hand .......... but now someone i know aquired a cnc machine and i would love to be able to have a program to get a tele body (just 50's vintage) no body contours just the plank with the neck and pickup routes ....i have some old wood (reclaimed) i'd love to make a barncaster or two out of ....studmissile wrote: are you going the custom built route?
Check out the TDPRI forum, there's a CNC build by ehawley and he has the CNC cad files for an early 60s or late 50s Tele if I remember correctly ?
Also, if you don't mind me asking, where did you manage to get the reclaimed wood?
Also, if you don't mind me asking, where did you manage to get the reclaimed wood?
I think the file 53BODYMASTERNSNOFLAT1.DXF might be one?
or a DWG extention Tele_body_drawing_revE.dwg
I think the file 53BODYMASTERNSNOFLAT1.DXF might be one?
or a DWG extention Tele_body_drawing_revE.dwg
Here's the thread chocklit was talking about.
The DWG or DXF file is a good start but you want the gcode to make things simpler- that's the actual description of how the tool needs to move, how fast it needs to go round corners etc.
I think ehawley mentioned somewhere in this thread (I read it a while back) that he was willing to share his toolpath file, so take a look on TDPRI and see if he can help you.
The DWG or DXF file is a good start but you want the gcode to make things simpler- that's the actual description of how the tool needs to move, how fast it needs to go round corners etc.
I think ehawley mentioned somewhere in this thread (I read it a while back) that he was willing to share his toolpath file, so take a look on TDPRI and see if he can help you.
Hi guys,
Keira, the program to cut the body (called the toolpath or G-codes as peterleroux said) is generated by CAD/CAM software and often the ouput of this toolpath is generated specifically for the parameters of a certain machine. Every machine manufacturer codes their machines differently and hence, each has a certain way of interpreting a toolpath (called a post-processor of the CNC machine).
In other words, should you be able to obtain a desired toolpath, unless the 2 CNC machines are of the same model (and hence, have the same post processor), there may be a chance that it will not work with your friend's CNC machine; or it may not work without modifying the code of the toolpath. I may be wrong as sometimes toolpaths are transferable across different machines but this is the exception and not the rule.
As the guys above have said, obtain the dxf or dwg file (which is a universal format which only contains the drawing) for a telecaster body and ask your friend to create the toolpath from this file. I'm sure they wouldn't have a problem because creating a toolpath is not very complicated if you work with it frequently.
Have a lovely day!
Keira, the program to cut the body (called the toolpath or G-codes as peterleroux said) is generated by CAD/CAM software and often the ouput of this toolpath is generated specifically for the parameters of a certain machine. Every machine manufacturer codes their machines differently and hence, each has a certain way of interpreting a toolpath (called a post-processor of the CNC machine).
In other words, should you be able to obtain a desired toolpath, unless the 2 CNC machines are of the same model (and hence, have the same post processor), there may be a chance that it will not work with your friend's CNC machine; or it may not work without modifying the code of the toolpath. I may be wrong as sometimes toolpaths are transferable across different machines but this is the exception and not the rule.
As the guys above have said, obtain the dxf or dwg file (which is a universal format which only contains the drawing) for a telecaster body and ask your friend to create the toolpath from this file. I'm sure they wouldn't have a problem because creating a toolpath is not very complicated if you work with it frequently.
Have a lovely day!
Hi Keira, +1 on what Hobesian said, if you need help give me a ring.
Haha I just remembered writing such a postprocessor twenty years ago. ? ?
Haha I just remembered writing such a postprocessor twenty years ago. ? ?