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  • Jul 23, 2017
  • Joined Dec 14, 2011
  • Hi guys,

    Keira, the program to cut the body (called the toolpath or G-codes as peterleroux said) is generated by CAD/CAM software and often the ouput of this toolpath is generated specifically for the parameters of a certain machine. Every machine manufacturer codes their machines differently and hence, each has a certain way of interpreting a toolpath (called a post-processor of the CNC machine).

    In other words, should you be able to obtain a desired toolpath, unless the 2 CNC machines are of the same model (and hence, have the same post processor), there may be a chance that it will not work with your friend's CNC machine; or it may not work without modifying the code of the toolpath. I may be wrong as sometimes toolpaths are transferable across different machines but this is the exception and not the rule.

    As the guys above have said, obtain the dxf or dwg file (which is a universal format which only contains the drawing) for a telecaster body and ask your friend to create the toolpath from this file. I'm sure they wouldn't have a problem because creating a toolpath is not very complicated if you work with it frequently.

    Have a lovely day!

    • Joe Moore wrote:
      Hobesian wrote: ..............Just as an example, I was looking at the following: (Please don't judge me for this ? )


      It is going for R552 on all4women and on wantitall it is R1235, quite the difference I'd say!................
      wtf ! , A hammer-head shark dog suit ? :-\ ... who the hell would want to buy that ? lol ?
      Haha, call me crazy or cruel but I was thinking of getting it for my boy, I thought he would look cool in it =)
      • Ah cool, I didn't realise that they were the same as importitall.co.za, sorry about that. I've also used them before without hassles.
        • Sup Guys!

          Just found this website this morning, they operate in a similar manner to wantitall and the old takealot (before they stopped importing).


          I know it may seem unconventional but from what I can tell, they use the same indexing method as wantitall (results come up in the same order) but are quite a fair bit cheaper. (They have the same Musical Instruments section as wantitall)

          Just as an example, I was looking at the following: (Please don't judge me for this ? )


          It is going for R552 on all4women and on wantitall it is R1235, quite the difference I'd say!

          Having said all this, I haven't actually ordered anything from this website but it seems to be legitimate. And this is not meant to be an attack on wantitall and if I have done anything wrong, please remove the post.

          I have no affiliation but just thought I would give everyone a heads up if they were looking for certain items that they couldn't get locally.

          Have a great day ouens!
          • I also thought Material was a great movie. I was expecting a full on comedy but it surprised me big time!
            • I found this on youtube, I've only watched the first one so far but if it is anything to go by, then the rest of the videos will be of great help/interest to those wanting to know more about the electronic side of guitars. On the user's video page, look for the videos starting with "Basic Guitar Electronics"


              I've since discovered he also has a website where you can read up a bit on the same stuff he is saying in the videos. The website is in Dutch but I've found the translator on Google Chrome seems to work fairly well.


              Hope this can be useful to some!

              • What a great post, Thanks for taking the time to do this!
                • Ok Cool, thanks for the heads up f2r!
                  • Whats this about a new big store in the south??? *big eyes* I know the one at The Glen closed but no-one there mentioned anything about re-opening?
                    • Hi All,

                      Just came across this now,


                      Sound Select is now selling used equipment, you may be able to find some good deals there. (I think it is mostly PA/Studio/DJ equipment I wouldn't be able to comment on the quality of their used stuff but I have bought new from them before and they were pretty good. Oh, and I have no affiliation to this company ?

                      Anyway, hope you all have a nice weekend!
                      • Haha, the joke wasn't actually about me X-rated Bob, I'm guilty of a copy and paste on that one :-[

                        My gear is a small, humble collection as I only started playing about 2 years ago but every piece is awesome to me. I play a 5 string Ibanez Gio bass through an Ibanez promethean amp (got the amp this weekend at TOMS and I'm loving it so far) and a Cort MR700F Acoustic Electric Guitar through a Roland Cube.

                        • Hi guys,

                          Been following this forum for a while now and originally only joined to purchase a sweet deal from the classifieds (shout out to free2rhyme) ?

                          Ever since though, I have checked the site out numerous times per day and have gained great knowledge and assistance from the members here.

                          I am one of the guys who cant handle 6 strings so here's a bit of self-deprecating humour:

                          A kid wanted to learn an instrument so his father recommended the bass. He bought the kid a bass and some lessons.
                          After the first lesson the father asked "What did you learn from your instructor?"
                          The kid responded "The E string."
                          After the second lesson the father asked "What did you learn from your instructor?"
                          The kid responded "The A string."
                          After the third lesson the father asked "What did you learn from your instructor?"
                          The kid responded "I didn't go. I played a show instead."

                          Anyway, thanks for this excellent forum and look forward to good vibes in the future!
                          • Psean, TOMS Braamfontein had quite a bit of Hartke stock on the floor at the recent sale. They had both the small combo amps and a variety of heads and cabs as well.